If you’re somewhere between your mid twenties and thirties, you might be experiencing a low point in your life. A trial of confused identity, misguided purpose, and hopeless transition. And, if you’re anything like me, you feel lost, anxious, and panicked. But I do know I’m not the only one out there that feels like this. This monster is the quarter-life crisis, and it is very real for a lot of young people.
1. You glare at your cat in the morning as you get ready for work and say, “God, I wish I had your life.”
2. “When is life going to feel like it’s supposed to?” Is something you ask. Every day.
3. You’re reading this article right now because you Googled: “Quarter Life Crisis?”
4. You’re having arguments with your mom again about cleaning your bathroom and being home at a reasonable hour.
5. Visualizing yourself 15 years from now doing your boss’s job makes you throw up a little in your mouth.
6. Your monthly routine of expenses being greater than your income is dawning on you as a serious problem.
7. You’re having arguments with your spouse and/or roommate that sound awfully like the arguments your parents used to have, that you swore you’d never have, yet are having.
8. You’ve moved six times in the last four years.
9. You binge on buying brand names to try and cover up that you’re broke.
10. You see so clearly the two roads in front of you. A life of comfort and a life of risk. And you’re not sure you have the right car or directions to go down either one.
11. The phrase you dread hearing the most at work is, “Congratulations, you’re getting a promotion.”
12. You have no idea where to go for answers.
13. You’re 99.7% sure a road-trip would fix everything.
上一篇: 川普魔性英语:让全世界译者怒摔饭碗的噩梦
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