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发布时间:2016-10-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编


年近七十的本(罗伯特·德尼罗 饰)曾经是一位精明强干、事业有成的商人,最终,他还是和大部分老年人一样开始了平淡的退休生活。本对忙碌而又充实的过去无比怀念,孤独与内心里蠢蠢欲动的渴望让他做出了重回职场的决定,成为了年轻的朱尔斯(安妮·海瑟薇 饰)手下的一名小小员工。



1. Sort of felt like I was playing hooky. 感觉有点像在旷工。

2. Come rain or shine, I'm at my Starbucks by 7:15.


3. I love them to pieces. 我爱死他们了。

4. Cover letters are so old-fashioned. 求职信太老套。

5. Well, I guess that's meeting me. 我想这正合我意。

6. We got to do that again, for sure, but okay if we take a rain check?


7. I want you to know I've been a company man all my life.


8. Hey, you check this one off your list, okay? 嘿,这件事别顾虑了,好吗?

9. Maybe hero the girl in the red shirt. 或许该突出穿红衬衫的那个姑娘。

10. I need you to sign off on this, like, two hours ago. 大概两小时前,我就要你审核了。

11. It's your call, Justin. 你说了算,贾斯汀。

12. Because you have to set the tone. 因为你得起表率作用。

13. I'm pretty psyched myself. 我自己也很激动。

14. I like how you roll. 我喜欢你的风格。

15. Don't dawdle in any way. 反正别磨叽。

16. Baby steps. 慢慢来。

17. I'm happy to cover for Mike. 我很乐意给麦克代班。

18. Goes without saying. 不说我也知道。

19. He's major. 他是最佳人选。

20. Word travels fast. 消息传得真快。

21. Be there or be square. 不见不散。

22. Over the hump. 渡过难关。

23. Cracks me up. 让我笑到不行。

24. I'm so slammed next week. 下周我真忙不过来。

25. Totally saved our butts. 给我们帮了很大的忙。

26. We're doing a fiesta lunch next Friday. 下周五我们要举行一次节日午餐。

27. Taking the high road is exhausting. 秉持正确的理念真累人。

28. She works on all cylinders all the time. 她每时每刻都在竭力工作。

29. I'm not trying to brownnose you. 我不是想拍你马屁。

30. She could just, like, transport you. 她能让你身临其境。

31. Hold your horses, maniac! 悠着点儿,疯子!

32. I bust my ass for her 14 hours a day, and she never notices.


33. Let's clean-slate it. 让我们重新开始。

34. Busy man about town. 社交繁忙啊。

35. Everyone's flipping out about it. 大家都很激动。

36. I think that's kind of self-explanatory. 我觉得答案显而易见。

37. Double-time it, dude. 赶紧啊,老兄。

38. Hey, what's with the waterworks, little one? 嘿,小朋友,你哭什么呢?

39. What's your whole take on the CEO thing? 首席执行官这事你是什么看法?

40. I mean, you're more on the inside than I am. 我意思是,你比我更了解。

41. I know Jules is trying to do right by everybody. 我知道朱尔斯试图让所有人都称心。

42. You don't look like you. 你看上去不在状态。

43. Under all this man stuff that you so admire, I'm just a big bowl of mush.


44. You're not actually taking the rap for any of this, are you?


45. He bowed out so that I could do this. 他辞职了,好让我创业。


1. And retirement? That is an ongoing, relentless effort in creativity.


2. I read once, musicians don't retire. They stop when there's no more music in them. Well, I still have music in me, absolutely positive about that.


3. Gray is the new green. 新绿还从迟暮来。

4. They say sitting is the new smoking. 人们说久坐像吸烟一样危险。

5. Have you noticed? Women went from "girls" to "women". Men went from "men" to "boys"? This is a problem in the big picture.


6. And I think guys got, maybe not left behind, but not quite as nurtured.


7. This big, beautiful, exciting thing that you created. It's a dream, isn't it? And you're gonna give that up in the hopes that your husband will stop having an affair? I don't see how that adds up.



Jules: I hate eating alone.

Ben: So do I.

Jules: You know, you don't actually have to keep doing that.

Ben: Oh, force of habit.

Jules: Here you go. Swiped these from the tech fridge.

Ben: Oh, nice going.

Jules: You want a slice?

Ben: Sure, thanks. Cheers.

Jules: Cheers.

Ben: I noticed a couple hours ago, you had a meeting with another possible CEO. I saw him arrive. How'd that go?

Jules: It was going well...Until he called us... I believe the term he used was a "chick site." And I didn't hear anything he said after that. Apparently, selling clothes makes us a "chick site." I mean, really? How is this not legit?

Ben: I couldn't agree more. I find that surprising.

Jules: Really? Sexism in business? So...What did you do for work, Ben, before you retired?

Ben: I was a V.P. For Dex one.

Jules: Phonebooks?

Ben: Yeah. I was in charge of printing, and before that I ran sales and advertising.

Jules: Big jobs. Wasn't this a factory that used to make phonebooks? No. What?

Ben: Yeah.

Jules: What? This is where you worked?

Ben: For almost 40 years. Yeah. For twenty-some years I sat right by that window. That was my office. It was a few steps up back then. We'd look out over the whole factory. Our printing presses were in that corner. That's why the floor dips back there.

Jules: No way.

Ben: I know everything about this building. Or used to. You know the sycamores on the other side of the building?

Jules: Yeah.

Ben: The big ones?

Jules: Yeah. The big ones. I love them.

Ben: Yeah. I remember the day they were planted.

Jules: Is it totally weird being back here?

Ben: Well, it feels like home. It's... Remodeled, but... Home.

Jules: So you're on Facebook, huh?

Ben: Well, I've been trying to figure it out. I joined about 10 minutes ago.

Jules: [CHUCKLES] Well, better late than never. You want some help?

Ben: I'd love some, but, really, you've got better things to do.

Jules: No, I need a diversion. You have a photo of yourself?

Ben: No. I need one?

Jules: If you want to look up all those hotties from high school, you do. Say cheese.

Ben: Cheese.

Jules: [LAUGHS] That's cute. Okay, I just need to send that to you. Uh, all right. So there are all these questions for your profile that you can answer if you want to or not. Like religious views, political views... People who inspire you...

Ben: Jules Ostin. I'm not trying to brownnose you, but I've been in business a long time, and I've never run across anyone quite like you. You do inspire, Jules.

Jules: I just knew, at the end of the day, that a woman with a glass of wine and a laptop had real shopping potential. And if you could actually promise her things would fit...

Ben: See? That's what I mean.

Jules: Okay. Mm. You have a favorite quote?

Ben: I do. "You're never wrong to do the right thing."

Jules: Who said that, you?

Ben: Yeah. But I'm pretty sure Mark Twain said it first.

Jules: [CHUCKLES] Okay, favorite music?

Ben: Uh, geez. Sam Cooke, one of my all-time favorites. Love Miles Davis, Billie Holiday.

Jules: Oh, she was great, right? I mean, she could just, like...

Ben: Transport you.

Jules: Oh, yeah. Okay, books?

Ben: Love Clancy, Ludlum. Crazy about "Harry Potter."

Jules: Matt loves "Harry Potter," too.

Ben: Oh, yeah?

Jules: Yeah, like, read them all the week they came out.

Ben: Wow. Me, too.

Jules: Um, okay, what's your relationship status? Are you married? Single?

Ben: Widower.

Jules: I'm sorry. I think we should just say single, then?

Ben: Yeah.

Jules: Okay, do you know what you need now? You need someone to friend.

Ben: I'll be friends with the other interns. They'll show me how to do it in the morning.

Jules: Well, you... you can friend me.

Ben: Okay, thank you.

Jules: Okay. Okay. Congratulations. You are now officially part of the Facebook generation.

Ben: Good deal.


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