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发布时间:2016-10-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编


前美国大兵雷蒙德·盖恩斯(道恩·强森 饰)在结束硝烟战火的生涯后,而今成为洛杉矶消防局的直升机救援人员。虽然工作中全力以赴,受人敬仰,值得信赖,这些却都无法挽回他失败的婚姻。某次短暂休假后,雷重返岗位,这时在内华达州南部发生了百年不遇的大地震,胡佛水坝在强震中被彻底摧毁。未过多久,又一轮强震从旧金山袭向了洛杉矶,雷在直升机上目睹了繁华城市转眼变成废墟的可怕一幕。



1. You holding up all right? 你还好吗?

2. Played a little tug of war with a car. 和一辆汽车拔河了。

3. I’m gonna tell her that it’s not a good time. 我去跟她说现在不方便。

4. Tell Ben that I’ll put in a good word for him. 告诉本,我会帮他说情的。

5. I cannot believe that Daniel just took off. 想不到丹尼尔竟然扔下我自己走掉。

6. I gotta get ahold of my parents. 我得联系我父母。

7. Oh, man. This thing’s fried. 真倒霉,摔坏了。

8. It’s been a while since I got you to second base. 好久没这么亲密地抱着你了。

注:美国人用棒球术语来指代恋爱关系的进展程度,first base指亲吻,second base指亲密的肢体接触,third base则已经进展到登门入室了。


Ray: Oh, my God.

[People Screaming]

Emma: Susan!

Susan: Emma!

Emma: Susan! We gotta get to the roof!

Larissa: We gotta get out of here! This way!

Susan: Get out of my way!

Emma: Susan! Susan!

Man: Oh, God! Aaah!

Emma: Oh, my God.

[People Screaming]

Man: This way! Get over here!

Man: Ma'am, we got to go!

Emma: Okay. Okay.

Man: Keep moving! Keep moving!

Emma: Larissa! Larissa, you have to come with me! We've gotta get to the roof! Everybody! There-there's a rescue helicopter coming! Wait! We've gotta go up! [Explosion] Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Ray, you better be right about this.


[People Screaming]

Emma: Ray. Whoa!

Ray: Oh!

[Helicopter Beeping]

Emma: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Uh...Up there! Whoo! Oh, shit.

Ray: Come on, Emma. Come on. We gotta go. Emma, run! Emma. [Grunting]

Emma: Ray! Ray!

Ray: Emma! I got you!

Emma: Oh, Ray.

Ray: Emma, are you hurt?

Emma: Um...

Ray: Are you hurt?

Emma: I don't think so.

Ray: Okay. It's gonna be okay, but listen. We gotta get outta here. I need you to get to the front left seat. I'll be right there. Okay?

Emma: Okay.

Ray: Shit! [Grunting]

Emma: Oh, my God. Oh, God. Ray!

Ray: Hold on!


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