所在位置: 查字典英语网 > 趣味英语 > 影视 > 《007:幽灵党》电影精讲


发布时间:2016-10-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编






1. I won't be long. 我很快就回来。

2. Bottoms up. 干杯。

3. You have got a tricky day ahead. 今天您不会太好过。

4. As of this morning, you are officially grounded. 从今天早上起,你正式停职。

5. I'm standing you down from all operations indefinitely. 我无限期撤销你所有任务。

6. As you wish. 随你高兴。

7. You want me to be your mole? 你想让我做你的卧底?

8. Everything is a little up in the air. 一切尚未就绪。

9. Enjoy your downtime. 好好享受你的停工期。

10. All that excitement in Mexico City rang a distant bell. 墨西哥市的事件似曾相识。

11. Suddenly, this evening, it makes perfect sense. 今晚豁然开朗。

12. That’s more like it. 这样才像话。

13. You grew a conscience. 你良心发现。

14. My whole career is on the line here. 我的事业岌岌可危。

15. Did it cross your mind that you led them to me? 你有没有想过是你把他们引来的?

16. That’s beside the point. 这不是重点。

17. Well, get on with it then. 放马过来吧。


Madeleine: You shouldn't stare.

Bond: Well, you shouldn't look like that. May I get you an aperitif?

Madeleine: I'm not sure. It gets me into trouble, makes me do crazy things.

Bond: Well, we can't have that.

Madeleine: So, I'll have Vodka martini, dirty.

Bond: Make that two.

Madeleine: I have a question.

Bond: What's that?

Madeleine: Why, given every other possible option, does a man choose the life of a paid assassin?

Bond: Well, it was that or the priesthood.

Madeleine: I'm serious. Is this really what you want? Living in the shadows? Hunting? Being hunted? Always looking behind you? Always alone?

Bond: But I'm not alone.

Madeleine: Answer the question.

Bond: I'm not sure I ever had a choice. Anyway, I don't stop to think about it.

Madeleine: What would happen if you did?

Bond: Stop?

Madeleine: Yes.

Bond: I don't know.

Waiter: Your drinks, sir.

Bond: Could you leave them there, please.

Madeleine: You know, I think you're wrong.

Bond: I am?

Madeleine: We always have a choice.

Bond: I'll drink to that.


Killer: Shit!


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