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发布时间:2016-10-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编


1926年哥本哈根,风景画家艾纳(埃迪·雷德梅恩 饰)和擅长人物画的格尔达(艾丽西亚·维坎德 饰)结为夫妇。因为模特失约,格尔达为顺利完成画作说服了艾纳穿上女装救场。这次意外令艾纳多出一个女性人格“莉莉”,而后者亦成为妻子的灵感女神,让格尔达声名鹊起。只是随着沉睡女性人格的被唤醒,艾纳开始厌恶自己作为男性的身体,他渐渐发现莉莉不但是艺术存在,更是真正的自己。格尔达也没有想到只是临时起意的游戏,竟为自己人生投下了一颗震撼弹,她该如何继续爱她的伴侣?她们在各种社会非议和误解中不离不弃,最后格尔达鼓励艾纳彻底变成莉莉……



1.And she propositioned me. 而且是她跟我搭讪的。

2. Were you really corrupted by my ankles? 你真的有被我的脚踝所吸引?

3. You are forward. 你很主动啊。

4. I don't mean to presume, but I've been watching you. 我不想唐突,但我一直看着你。

5. Does he abandon you often? 他经常放你鸽子吗?

6. I've been on my own a long time now. I'm too set in my ways. 我单身很长一段时间了,习惯了这种生活。

7. It's a good crowd. 来的人很多。


Gerda: Hello?

Einar: In here. These are good, Gerda.

Gerda: You think?

Einar: Mmm.

Gerda: Well, thank you. I had a coffee with Ulla.

Einar: Hmm.

Gerda: She asked me about the Artists' Ball.

Einar: I'm not going.

Gerda: Don't worry. I told her no.

Einar: You should go. You enjoy it.

Gerda: With you, I enjoy it.

Einar: It's good to be seen at those things. I do understand that.

Gerda: (SIGHS) And that's why you hate them.

Einar: I feel as though I'm performing myself.

Gerda: Giving them your Einar Wegener.

Einar: Mmm-hmm.

Gerda: Why not give them something different? Go as someone else?

Einar: Do you have someone in particular in mind?


Einar: No.

Gerda: You'd be very convincing.

Einar: (LAUGHING) That is outrageous.

Gerda: Oh, you might even enjoy it.

Einar: No.

Gerda: You'll have to shave closer next time. Mmm? Mmm. Close your eyes. This is hard on someone else.

Einar: Well, let me try. What do you think?

Gerda: Better than I ever manage. Lili. I want to sketch you. Sit.


Einar: Come on, Hvap. Come on, you.

Gerda: Lean to the side. Knee over. Head up. Oh.


Gerda: Look at those hands. Relax. (SCOFFS) Don't make her a slut!

Einar: It's your fault. You excite her.

Gerda: My, Miss Lili. You are forward.

Einar: You have no idea.


Gerda: Maybe bring out the hand.

Einar: Morning.

Einar: Morning, Thorbjorn.

Thorbjorn: Good morning.


Gerda: Forward.




Gerda: Hello?

Einar: I was wondering where you were. It's getting late.

Gerda: We have plenty of time. I bought you these.

Einar: Ah. Oh, they're perfect.

Gerda: Are you sure about tonight?


Gerda: What is it?

Einar: Am I pretty enough?

Gerda: Of course you are.

Einar: I'll never be as pretty as you.

Gerda: You are so beautiful.



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