London has triumphed in a new study of the world's greatest cities, leaving close competitors Paris and New York in the dust.
Rated on a variety of factors including its culture, entertainment, infrastructure, health and general happiness; the results were determined by 5,200 well-educated, high net-worth adults from 16 countries around the world.
The poll, published last week by consultancy firm PwC, was conducted in December 2015, before Britain's shock Brexit verdict.
PwC specifically questioned 'elite' over 18s, described as 'senior business decision makers or well-educated, high-income consumers who typically stay up to date with world events'.
London was lauded in the report as being a 'dynamic city' with a well-developed infrastructure, legal system and health service, compared to others.
Paris was the runner up, scoring top with regards to cultural influence, including attractions and cultural trendsetting, and was in the top-three-ranked cities in terms of entertainment and cuisine. New York, which came third, was viewed overall as the 'leader' for its economic influence.
1. London伦敦
2. Paris巴黎
3. New York纽约
4. Amsterdam阿姆斯特丹
5. Sydney悉尼
6. Berlin柏林
7. Tokyo东京
8. Toronto多伦多
9. Stockholm斯德哥尔摩
10. Los Angeles洛杉矶
11. San Francisco旧金山
12. Dubai迪拜
13. Milan米兰
14. Madrid马德里
15. Chicago芝加哥
16. Hong Kong香港
17. Singapore新加坡
18. Beijing北京
19. Seoul首尔
20. Rio里约
21. Shanghai上海
22. Moscow莫斯科
23. Johannesburg约翰内斯堡
24. Kuala Lumpur吉隆坡
25. Mexico City墨西哥城
26. São Paulo圣保罗
27. Mumbai孟买
28. Jakarta雅加达
29. Bogotá波哥大
30. Lagos拉各斯
1. London伦敦
2. Singapore新加坡
3. Toronto多伦多
4. Paris巴黎
5. Amsterdam阿姆斯特丹
6. New York纽约
7. Stockholm斯德哥尔摩
8. San Francisco旧金山
9. Hong Kong香港
10. Sydney悉尼
11. Seoul首尔
12. Berlin柏林
13. Los Angeles洛杉矶
14. Chicago芝加哥
15. Tokyo东京
16. Madrid马德里
17. Dubai迪拜
18. Milan米兰
19. Beijing北京
20. Kuala Lumpur吉隆坡
21. Shanghai上海
22. Moscow莫斯科
23. Mexico City墨西哥城
24. Johannesburg约翰内斯堡
25. São Paulo圣保罗
26. Bogotá波哥大
27. Rio里约
28. Jakarta雅加达
29. Mumbai孟买
30. Lagos拉各斯
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