Witnesses say shark attack 'like Jaws'-查字典英语网
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Witnesses say shark attack 'like Jaws'

发布时间:2016-10-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

An Australian surfer was recovering on Thursday after being dragged under the water by a shark that sliced his leg open then circled him as he screamed for help in a scene witnesses said was "like Jaws".

Tattoo artist Glen Folkard, 44, was catching waves off Redhead Beach when a 2-meter shark attacked on Wednesday afternoon in front of dozens of stunned swimmers.

Witnesses said the animal took a large chunk out of Folkard's thigh as well as his board before dragging him under.

He managed to shake himself free and with the help of fellow surfers paddled back to shore trailing blood as the shark circled. He was then taken to hospital where on Thursday he was stable after surgery.

Bull sharks are a medium-sized species known for their aggression and tendency to attack humans.

Around 500 people were on the popular family beach at the time, with about 100 in the water, reports said.

Rescue helicopters began air patrols after the attack and spotted several large groups of sharks nearby with beaches in the area closed.

But they reopened less than 24 hours later, although jet ski and helicopter patrols were continuing, as the schools of baitfish that are thought to have drawn the sharks close to shore moved further out to sea.

Sharks are a common feature of Australian waters and there have been a string of sightings along coast this summer.

But fatal attacks are rare in Australia, with just 27 people killed in the past 22 years.


1. How long was the shark?

2. How many people were on the beach?

3. How many people have been killed by sharks in the past 22 years?


1. 2-meter

2. 500

3. 27


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