1. pillbox hat 平顶无边筒状小帽
2. black beret with feather embellishment 有羽毛装饰的黑色贝雷帽
3. floral tilted hat 斜戴花朵帽
4. felt cap 毡帽
5. cowboy hat 牛仔帽
6. beanie 毛线帽
7. wide brimmed hat 宽檐帽
8. fedora 浅顶软呢帽
9. straw hat 草帽
10. feather cap 羽毛帽
上一篇: 莎士比亚个人作品盘点[1]
下一篇: 清明节回顾名人墓志铭
外研版英语九上《Unit 2 It was a quiet country village》word教案
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外研版英语九上Module 3《Unit 3 Language in use》word教案
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外研版英语九上Module 5《Unit 3 Language in use》word教案
外研版九上《Module 7 Unit 2 The camel that I rode had a bad temper》word教案
外研版八上《Module 5 Western music Unit 3 Language in use》word教案
外研版九上《Module 9 Cartoon stories》word教学参考
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外研版英语九上《Unit 2 Liu Xiang was trained for gold》word教案
外研版九上《Module 7 Australia》word重难点辅导
外研版九上《Unit 1 I’m looking for the photos that you took in Australia》word教案
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外研版九上《Module 8 Photos》word重难点辅导
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外研版九上《Unit 1 I’ve got a friend whose brother is training for the Olympics》word教案
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外研版九上《Module 9 Cartoon stories Unit 3 Language in use》word导学案
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外研版九上《Module 8 Photos》word全模块教案
外研版九上《Module 8 Photos》word同步教案
外研版九上《Module 8 Unit 2 Read on to find out who the winners are》word教案
外研版英语九上《Unit 2 Read on to find out who the winners are》word教案
外研版英语九上Module 6《Unit 3 Language in use》word教案
外研版八上《Module 5 Unit 1 It’s western classical music, isn’t it》word教案