Standing in Levi’ssweaty atelier, where the jeans maker experiments with new designs, just blocksfrom the San Francisco Bay, Paul Dillinger pulls on a new denim jacket. Createdfor cyclists, it has a drop-back tail, so your back isn’t left exposed; stormcuffs, to stop air blowing up your sleeves; and, unexpectedly, thetechnological equivalent of a magic wand.
保罗.狄林格(Paul Dillinger)站在牛仔装生产商李维斯(Levi’s)异常闷热的新装试验室里,正在试穿一件牛仔夹克新样装。这件牛仔装专为自行车运动员打造:防止参赛车手露出后背的圆尾形后摆(drop-back tail)以及防止窜风的防风式袖口,这款牛仔夹克犹如从天而降的魔杖,无所不能。
“What spells would you like to casttoday? he laughs, tapping on his left arm, where sensors have been woven intothe fabric and a colour-changing light is snapped on to the cuff.
The sleeve isenchanted: inside is technology that can help cyclists do everything fromanswer phone calls to avoid getting lost.
Cyclists can usetheir smartphone to set up the jacket so it recognises favourite callers.
车手可以用自己的智能手机对夹克进行设置,夹克就能识别出车手最常用的电话联系人;通过谷歌地图(Google Maps)提供的具体方位信息,
They can then tapor swipe their sleeve to send a text saying what time they are likely to arrivehome — drawn from data on their location via Google Maps.
The jacket — dueout in spring 2017 — is part of a new generation of wearables aiming to maketechnology fashionable.
Fashion has beenexperimenting with technology in high profile one-off garments for a while.
But it has not yetbrought that technology to a larger market. People were wowed by the Marchesadress — developed with IBM’s artificial intelligence system, Watson — thatchanged colour when people tweeted, which Karolina Kurkova wore to the Met Galathis year.
IBM使用Watson人工智能系统设计的玛切萨(Marchesa)裙子让时尚拥趸如痴如醉,它能根据Twitter用户的情绪变化实时变换颜色,超模卡罗莱娜.库科娃(Karolina Kurkova)穿着它参加了今年的纽约大都会博物馆慈善晚会(Met Gala)。
Make Fashion, agroup of Canadian artists and engineers, have spent five years creating playfuldesigns such as Gamer Girls dresses — where the dress changes depending onwhether they win or lose.
由加拿大一些艺术家与工程师组成的团队Make Fashion花了五年时间设计Gamer Girls这类妙趣横生的女裙——它能根据输赢结果变换颜色。
But thus farwidespread uptake of such technologies has been slow.
Even technologycompanies led by Apple, the most design conscious in the industry, havefloundered in creating products that appeal beyond their geeky base.
The Apple Watchoffers a wide range of straps, including a collection handmade by Hermesartisans in France.
苹果手表(Apple Watch)推出的表带样式五花八门,其中就包括由爱马仕(Hermes)设计师在法国手工打造的一个系列。
Now some fashionhouses are starting to form partnerships with technology companies to swapexpertise and fill in blind spots.
Tech manufacturersare teaching fashion companies about how to make chips and batteries thin,while fashion houses are teaching techies about the trials of making many sizesand ensuring a teched-up garment is fit to launder.
Chipmaker Intelhas worked with watchmakers Fossil and Tag Heuer and eyewear company Luxottica,while fitness-tracker maker Fitbit has teamed up with both Tory Burch andclothing company Public School.
芯片生产商英特尔(Intel)联手Fossil、豪雅(TAG Heuer)等腕表品牌以及全球最大的眼镜公司Luxottica,而穿戴式健身追踪器生产商Fitbit与汤丽柏琦(Tory Burch)以及时装品牌Public School成了合作伙伴。
Earlier this monthduring New York Fashion Week Michael Kors announced its first foray intowearable tech.
九月初的纽约时装周(New York Fashion Week)期间,迈克.科尔斯(Michael Kors)首次宣布进军高科技可穿戴设备领域。
In partnershipwith Google, the brand has unveiled a smart watch based on its bestsellinganalogue collection.
The new Dylan andBradshaw models include features such as notification functions, maps, and avoice-directed Google search facility. It will retail for £329 — about £100more than the analogue version
For Sidney Chang,the principal of business development at Google, these collaborations are anessential part of the company’s future.
在谷歌业务开发部主管Sidney Chang看来,与时尚公司的合作对谷歌未来的发展至关重要。
We’re very nimble,he explained during the launch last week.
We’ve alreadypartnered with Fossil, Tag Heuer and Nixon on smartwatches, but each brandrepresents a different customer and a different set of criteria.
We love thediversity of working with different brands, and developing wearables thatreflect your identity.
Of course, we havethe physics to enable these technologies, but we can’t bring the people, or theparty, or the associations.
If Google Glasswas an excellent example of a great idea that looked tragically uncool, thesenew collaborations should go some way to bridging the gulf between function andfashionability.
Google gets accessto a younger, more image-focused market and all the benefits of a high-endmarketing campaign.
The fashion housegets to bring its brand to life in new ways, to a new audience. Everyone wins.
Google was alsoLevis’ partner in developing the cycling jacket, bringing together Google’sAdvanced Technology and Projects team in Silicon Valley, with the brand’sin-house skunk works.
谷歌也是李维斯牛仔研发自行车手夹克外套的合作者,谷歌位于硅谷的前沿科技攻关小组与李维斯的研发团队(skunk works)实现了珠联璧合。
Dillinger, Levi’sglobal product innovation lead, says the partnership worked because Google camewilling to learn from Levi’s as much as the other way round. And there wereconsiderable challenges: the technology had to survive the aggressive testingconditions demanded of the denim before it gets into stores.
We had the bestcapabilities of the two companies frankly, says Dillinger.
We are not verygood at technology and they are not very good at garments.
Sandra Lopez,vice-president at Intel’s new technology group, has both skillsets: she studiedtextiles and clothes marketing, and then went on to work in tech, including atAdobe and Macromedia, before arriving at Intel.
英特尔新技术部副总裁桑德拉.洛佩兹(Sandra Lopez)则是两者皆备:她的专业是纺织品服装营销,毕业后则在高科技公司工作,来英特尔之前,曾谋职于Adobe与全球最大的网络多媒体软件公司Macromedia。
Intel bringsretailers into its Silicon Valley office to discuss the challenges and has evenhad its own wearables shown at New York Fashion Week.
For example, itworked on the MICA (My Intelligent Communication Accessory) designed by OpeningCeremony and launched in 2014.
比方说,它智能化了Opening Ceremony设计的MICA手镯,并于2014年推出。
The chunkybracelet, with precious gems and Ayers snakeskin sends the user notificationsfrom SMS and social apps.
In the last yearand a half Lopez says she has begun to see real progress as more fashion housesare building their own research and development departments to examine how touse technology in their collections.
Sometimes, shesays, the key is to strip down the technology to streamline a product, so itdoesn’t need as many buttons or as large a battery.
Engineers like topush technological boundaries — bring in a bunch of features — that is theirmindset.
We see this whenwe are creating a product for a young woman, aged 18 to 35, and asking whatwould be relevant for her? Engineers want to add more tech for tech’s sake, buta designer with a customer-centric mindset thinks ‘what is really needed?’
Designers are alsolearning from a set of data they never had before: information on how acustomer actually uses the product.
On the MICA,designers assumed their audience would prioritise the social notifications — infact wearers were using the fitness functions much more than expected.
Those aha momentswere never possible before, once someone had left the store.
顾客过去从门店购完物离开后,那种顿悟时刻(aha moments,思考过程中一种特殊的、愉悦的体验,期间会突然对之前并不明朗的某个局面产生深入的认识。)从未有之。
What does it meanfor merchandising strategy? Should design get sportier? Lopez asks.
Fashion andtechnology are edging closer to a relationship that could produce more stylishwearables, but a future where every wardrobe needs its own chargers still looksa way off.
Carolina Milanesi,a consumer technology analyst at Silicon Valley market research firm CreativeStrategies, says the tech industry has failed to make wearables fashionableenough to expand beyond a niche of — often male — early adopters.
硅谷市场分析公司Creative Strategies消费科技分析师卡罗琳娜.米拉内西(CarolinaMilanesi)说,科技在实现可穿戴产品时尚化方面差强人意,接受者仍然仅限先期饯行者这一小撮人而已(通常为男性)。
As a segment,technology doesn’t do gender differentiation very well so far.
You don’t need itwhen a PC is a PC — and you don’t need to change it if I’m a man or a woman —but it is different if I’m wearing it, she said.
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