体坛英语资讯:Brown resigns from Bobcats coaching post-查字典英语网
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体坛英语资讯:Brown resigns from Bobcats coaching post

发布时间:2016-10-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

 Larry Brown has stepped down from the coaching post of the NBA Charlotte Bobcats on Wednesday after leading Michael Jordan's club to a 9-19 start of this season.

The Bobcats chairman and CEO Jordan, a six-time NBA champion playing for Chicago, announced that the 70-year-old coach resigned after a conversation following the team's Wednesday workout.

"I met with coach Brown two weeks ago about the team's performance and what we could do to improve it," Jordan said. "We met again this morning after practice."

Charlotte Bobcats coach Larry Brown gives instructions to his players during their NBA basketball game against the Cleveland Cavaliers in Charlotte, North Carolina November 27, 2009.

Charlotte has lost six of its latest seven games, though Brown had guided the team to its first playoff spot last season.

"The team has clearly not lived up to either of our expectations and we both agreed that a change was necessary," added Jordan.

It's a difficult decision to make to fire Brown and the club was grateful to the coach for his help in the organization's development, according to Jordan.


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