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发布时间:2016-10-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

For those who spend a lot of their timebetween the jewellery boutiques and the haute couture stores of Tokyo’s Ginzadistrict, a new joke suggests an easy way to tell local Japanese from theChinese tourists.


Both types will rendezvous with theirfriends and family under the imposing portico of Mitsukoshi —Ginza’s mostfamous department store and meeting spot.


The Chinese, by recent tradition, will rushinside and buy a Bottega Veneta handbag for ¥300,000 ($2,900).

按照近年的传统,中国人将会冲到里面,买下30万日元(合2900美元)的宝缇嘉(Bottega Veneta)手袋,而日本人将会冲到马路对面的Doutor平价咖啡店,买上一杯300日元的拿铁咖啡。

The Japanese will rush across the road toDoutor, a thrifty coffee shop, and buy a latte for ¥300.

It is gallows humour that reveals aJapanese luxury goods industry in outward health, but also in a state offundamental transformation.


On paper, things could not be better.


Between 2010 and 2015, according to datafrom Euromonitor International, the value (in 2015 dollar terms) of theJapanese luxury goods market jumped by almost 25 per cent from $20.9bn to$26.1bn.

欧睿咨询(Euromonitor International)的数据显示,从2010年到2015年,日本奢侈品市场价值(按2015年美元价值计算)飙升近25%,从209亿美元增至261亿美元。

The growth was not quite as steep as the 52per cent growth in China over the same period, but for a developed market, itwas striking.


Beneath those figures, however, Japanesetastes in luxury, from jewellery and watches to handbags and headscarves, havebeen shifting towards value for money and low ostentation.


Much of that is natural in an ageingpopulation whose tastes have matured, and much of it is the effect of ageneration of Japanese now in their 30s having grown up with 20 years of on-offdeflation.


Chinese tourists, meanwhile, are not justarriving in Japan in record numbers, but on a scale that has smashed thegovernment’s most bullish predictions: up 38 per cent to 3.8m in the year toJuly, according to the Japan National Tourism Organisation.

与此同时,去日本旅游的中国游客人数不仅创出历史最高纪录,而且增速也超出了政府最乐观的预测:日本国家旅游局(Japan National Tourist Organisation)的数据显示,在截止今年7月的一年时间里,中国游客增长38%,至380万人。

Jin Weijun, a tourist from Dalian innorth-east China, conforms to the stereotype of the Ginza Chinese tourist: heand his girlfriend have spent the past hour at Mitsukoshi comparing four piecesof Van Cleef & Arpels jewellery, all of them costing more than ¥1m each.

一名来自中国大连的游客金伟君(音译)和来银座旅游的其他中国人一样:他和女朋友在三越花了一个小时比对梵克雅宝(Van Cleef & Arpels)的四款珠宝,所有这些珠宝的单价都超过了100万日元。

When all your friends know you are going toTokyo, you have to come back with something that shows you spent money there,says Mr Jin, a website designer.


That surge of arrivals and spending hasbeen a consistent support for the last three and a half years of Prime MinisterShinzo Abe’s economic revival programme.

中国游客人数和支出飙升在过去3年半为日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)的经济复苏计划提供了持续支持。

Policies which caused the yen to weakenfrom ¥80 against the dollar in late 2012 to ¥125 in mid-2015 made Tokyo aparticular magnet for luxury shoppers: at one point, and in defiance ofconventional thinking, analysts calculated that a top-of-the-range LouisVuitton bag was cheaper in Tokyo than in low-tax Hong Kong.

2012年末,日元兑美元汇率为1美元兑80日元,由于政策的变化,到2015年年中变为1美元兑125日元,这让东京尤其吸引奢侈品买家:分析师估计,最高档的路易威登(Louis Vuitton)手袋有一个阶段在东京的售价比税率较低的香港还要便宜,这在传统上是不可思议的。

Moves to relax the visa application processfor Chinese spurred things further, creating an uNPRecedented wave of customersfor jewellery boutiques that had grown used to handling a trickle of browserseach day.


The decision by Japan’s two mainairlines, JAL and ANA, to offer double baggage allowance on economy-classflights from Chinese cities to Tokyo provided yet more incentive to cram bagswith the highest-end goods that Japan could offer.


Wei Lijia is one of a growing number ofChinese who staff the luxury goods sales floors of department stores likeMitsukoshi and Takashimaya to ensure that Chinese tourists receive, in Mandarinand with subtle nods to their national taste, the impeccable service for whichJapan is known.


Luxury goods mean something different toChinese and Japanese.


They both understand quality and price, butfor Japanese there is always this feeling that the actual purchase can wait.


For the Chinese, there is this idea that ifthey don’t buy it now, it will be gone while they are thinking about it, saysMs Wei.


In another symbol of Japan’s rapidadaptation to outsiders’ sense of glamour, the transport ministry has begun astudy on whether it should encourage taxi companies to operate stretch limousines— vehicles that represent the very opposite of Japan’s lower-key approach toluxury.


The rise in tourist numbers has been feltnationwide, but especially so in Ginza, where even on a drizzly Tuesday nightin September the pavements are thronged and Mandarin is the main language onthe shop floors.


However, concern is rising over thesustainability of the boom.


Discounting by US department stores,tumbling tourist flows in Europe, especially Paris, and high double-digit fallsin the once feverish markets of Hong Kong and Macau have cut growth expectationsfor the full year in 2016 to between 0 per cent and 2 per cent; in some cases,there may be contraction.


In September, luxury conglomerate Richemontreported sales down 13 per cent in constant currencies in the five months tothe end of August and stressed weakness in Hong Kong and Macau.


Bain & Co analysts, meanwhile, confirm Japanas the world’s top market for luxury growth, predicting between 5 per cent and 7per cent growth.


The biggest source of risk, say analysts,remains the yen.


July spending by tourists in Japan’s departmentstores was 20 per cent lower than the same month a year earlier.


Over that 12 month period, notcoincidentally, the yen strengthened by almost 20 per cent.



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