When I was younger, about 14, I was already ready to work完形填空答案-查字典英语网
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When I was younger, about 14, I was already ready to work完形填空答案

发布时间:2016-10-11  编辑:查字典英语网小编

When I was younger, about 14, I was already ready to work. My father was a dairy man and he had been working his entire life. For him, getting up at 5 a.m. and working 36 hours before I went to school, and then working more after school until there was not enough 37 to see, were 38 .

My father considered putting good work ethics in me to be very 39 . He began to show me these, not through words, but through his actions. He would not 40 a job until it was done. He 41 put his all into everything he did. However, he showed me this not just in 42 , but in everything. Like when I was in soccer, I wanted to 43 a game once, and he explained to me that I had made a 44 and that even if I just skipped one game, I did not 45 to play the rest of the games.So the day I started my first job at the age of 14, I was 46 to show my father that I could do it well, and that I was not going to 47 . My entire 48 was to make my father proud of me. I knew that 49 I did, he would not say it in words, but he would show it. My first job was doing construction for a company. As most of you know, construction is not an easy job, 50 being so young. When someone as young as I was started working, they would either 51 or get stronger. I got stronger. I worked the 52 I had been taught and I gave that day everything I had. In the end, my boss was 53 . He even called to tell my parents what a good worker I was, and my parents' eyes shone. From that day 54 I have worked every job to my full 55 , because that day defined my life. It defined how I was going to work, and I will always stick to it.

36. A. a lot B. a great deal of C. a couple of D. the number of

37. A. lightning B. light C. lamps D. lanterns

38. A. normal B. abundant C. widespread D. conscious

39. A. ridiculous B. fortunate C. hopeless D. vital

40. A. quit B. seek C. perform D. complete

41. A. might B. would C. could D. should

42. A. persuading B. educating C. acting D. working

43. A. enjoy B. defeat C. skip D. dip

44. A. commitment B. improvement C. resolve D. conclusion

45. A. decide B. stop C. deserve D. resist

46. A. prepared B. shocked C. contradictory D. interested

47. A. stick B. succeed C. fail D. play

48. A. problem B. world C. trick D. goal

49. A. in case B. even though C. only if D. what if

50. A. especially B. specially C. typically D. mentally

51. A. break B. struggle C. pause D. arise

52. A. manner B. moment C. way D. method

53. A. impressed B. astonished C. amused D. conventional

54. A. in B. on C. out D. beneath

55. A. ambition B. skill C. spirit D. potential

36-40 CBADA 41-45 BDCAC 46-50 ACDBA 51-55 ACABD


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