高二英语教案 Unit 2 No smoking, please! --4-查字典英语网
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高二英语教案 Unit 2 No smoking, please! --4

发布时间:2016-10-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Teaching Aims and Demands

1.Have a brief revision of the unit.

2. Listening practice in part 1.

3. Do some exercises.

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

1.Check the homework exercises.

2.Discuss the following questions.

What have you learnt from this unit?

Step 2 Listening

1.Listening Cassette Lesson 8. Play the tape for Ex. 1, then let the Ss check their answers in pairs. Do Exx. 2 and 3 in the same way. Finally, discuss the answers with the whole class. Replay the tape to check the answers if necessary.

2. As a few pairs to report their answers and then check with the whole dclass.

Step 3 Word study

SB Page 12, Part 2. Go through the words in the box and make sure the Ss know what they are going to do. Teach the new word club in Sentence 5. Get them to do this exercise individually. Then check the answers in pairs. Answers:

1 share 2 habit 3 remains 4 chances 5 permission 6 persuaded 7 compare

Step 4 Writing

SB Page 12, Part 3. Group work. You may like to collect ideas on the Bb before the Ss start to work on their sentences. Go round the class and look at the sentences prepared by each group. Help the Ss with language points as necessary.

Step 5 Grammar

Noun Clauses as the Object and Predicative

Go through the Checkpoint 2 with the whole class. More examples may be offered on a slide show to cover the most frequently used sentence patterns.

Step 6Homework

1.Complete the Workbook exercises.

2.Preparation Lesson 9.








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