Childhood obesity 41 (consider) one of the most serious阅读理解答案-查字典英语网
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Childhood obesity 41 (consider) one of the most serious阅读理解答案

发布时间:2016-10-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Childhood obesity 41 (consider) one of the most serious health challenges of the 21st century. Obesity can 42 (harmful) nearly every organ in a child’s body---heart and lungs, muscles and bones, kidneys as well as the hormones(荷尔蒙) 43 control blood sugar and puberty(青春期). What’s worse, young people who are overweight or obese are likely to remain so even when they grow into adulthood, 44 (increase)the risk of developing disease and disability later in life.

  Globally, an 45 (estimate) 43 million preschool children under the age of 5 were overweight or obesity in 2010, a 60% increase since 1990. The problem affects countries rich and poor, and places the greatest burden 46 the poorest: of the world’s 43 million overweight and obese preschoolers, 35 million live in developing countries. By 2020, if the current epidemic(盛行) continues, 9% of all preschoolers will be overweight or obese---nearly 60 million children.

  Obesity rates are higher in adults 47 in children. But in relative terms, the U.S., Brazil, China, and other countries have seen the problem arise more 48 (rapid) in children than in adults.

  Of course, some regions still struggle hard with child 49 (hungry), such as Southeast Asia and Africa. But globalization has made 50 world wealthier, and wealth and weight are linked.

  41. is considered 42. harm 43. that/which 44.increasing 45. estimated

  46. on 47.than 48. rapidly 49. hunger 50. the


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