Not long ago, Netflix announced the reboot of the 1965 science-fiction television series Lost in Space. The show’s premise told the story of the Robinsons, a family of explorers, whose ship is sent on a five-year mission to a distant planet when it is knocked off course due to the actions of an enemy agent onboard. The family then winds up on a series of adventures as they visit distant worlds and cross paths with different lifeforms, while trying to navigate home safely.
Now, Deadline reports that House of Cards star Molly Parker will play matriarch of the Robinson clan, Maureen Robinson. The role was originally played by June Lockhart in the 1965 series and she is described as a brilliant aerospace engineer, who made the bold decision to take her family into space in the hope of providing them with a better life on another planet.
Lost in Space is expected to debut in 2018 on Netflix.
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