娱乐英语资讯:陈冠希承认拍摄不雅照 宣布将退出娱乐圈-查字典英语网
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娱乐英语资讯:陈冠希承认拍摄不雅照 宣布将退出娱乐圈

发布时间:2016-10-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Edison Chen has "failed as a role model" and will quit the Hong Kong entertainment industry following a sex picture scandal.

"I decided to do this to give myself an opportunity to heal myself and search my soul," he told about 300 local and foreign journalists at a press conference here yesterday.

He added he will do charity work for the next few months.

The highly anticipated conference was held on Chen's return to Hong Kong yesterday morning. He had earlier issued a video statement saying he felt pain, hurt and frustration.

The actor/singer spoke in a calm voice, but his eyes were clouded with tears and he sighed before starting.

He said he had not been trying to escape responsibility while he was away, as he needed to show support to his family and loved ones.

He had helped with the police investigation, he said.

He admitted the pictures were taken by him, but stressed he had no intention of making them public.

A dejected Edison Chen at yesterday's press conference in Hong Kong. Reuters

"The photos were stolen and distributed without my consent," he said.

About 500 indecent pictures of Chen and several women celebrities, including Gillian Chung, Bobo Chan and Cecilia Cheung, appeared on the Internet last month and quickly spread.

They had been taken over a period of several years.

Chung said last week she had been "naive and silly" in the past.

Chen made an open apology for any upset caused by the images. "Most importantly, I would like to say sorry to all the people in Hong Kong. I give my apology sincerely to you all unreservedly and with my heart," he said.

"I know young people in Hong Kong look up to many figures in our society. And in this regard, I failed. I failed as a role model."

"To all the young people in our community, let this be a lesson to you all. This is not an example to be set for you," he said.

"I hope after today, I can have your forgiveness. With regard to everything that has happened, I am deeply sorry. I hope you all will accept my apology and give me a chance," he said.

Chen said he had instructed his lawyer to do everything possible to protect the innocent victims of the case.


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