David Beckham has revealed wife Victoria Beckham makes most of his fashion decisions for him.
He told BBC Radio 2 recently: “Without a doubt, Victoria has a huge part in the way I look these days.”
“I think most couples agree you have to listen to your partner and you have confidence in your partner to tell you whether you look good or whether you don’t and to help you out with your fashion and dress sense.”
“In America I am just in shorts, tee shirts and flip flops - although if Victoria is listening, she’ll probably turn round and say the truth, that I actually get my outfit ready the night before.”
“I’m very organised and controlled and need to go to bed at night knowing what I’m going to wear the next morning.”
But it wasn’t hooking up with the Spice Girl that got him interested in fashion: “I always liked to look good, even when I was a little kid. I was given the option when I was a page boy once of either wearing a suit or wearing knickerbockers and long socks and ballet shoes - and I chose the ballet shoes and knickerbockers.”
“It was a little bit strange at the time and my dad gave me a bit of stick - but I was happy.”