托福独立写作: Try to avoid judging anyone-查字典英语网
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托福独立写作: Try to avoid judging anyone

发布时间:2016-09-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Independent Writing

If you cannot say anything nice about someone, you'd better not say anything.

It is common for us to describe other people we know, and nobody is perfect;therefore sometimes we are ready to say something negative about someone.For example, we always complain about our bosses when they give us too much work.Or, wives disclose their husbands’ unacceptable behavior to their friends.In my opinion,most events cannot be justified to say anything bad about other people.

In the first place, those unpleasant words can hurt others directly,or even profoundly.My cousin had been a very confident and diligent boy before his teacher told his parents he will not be qualified to study in college. His teacher said so simply because he is not very good at tests.After my cousin heard the teacher’s words,he was obviously discouraged and gave up the idea of further education.Now,lacking of a diploma, he cannot even find a decent job in the city. In short, the teacher’s words at least partly caused his unemployment.

In addition to causing direct harm,improper language can also terminate a close relationship. People normally feel embarrassed or even infuriated when they hear bad descriptions of themselves,and,in turn, this will aggravate the relationship with the people who made these descriptions.Finally, their relationship might end with these bad words.

However,there is one exception that we should not hesitate to pass our judgment on someone: when your judgment links to the well-being of other people. For example, when your boss is deciding whether to hire your friend who is infamous for his/her slackness, the boss will naturally ask your opinion upon your friend. In this case, if you remain silence instead of tell the truth, your boss might hire your friend and your company might bear the negative effects imposed by your friend’s slovenliness.In the end, the employees of your company,including yourself, might loss their interests because you do not give the bad but true descriptions about your friend.

In conclusion, we should not say anything bad about others only if those bad but genuine expressions are not related to some others’ well-being.


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