视频网站YouTube可以让人自由地上传视频,如果看到那种画质极烂的视频,网友通常会吐槽:你是拿土豆拍的吗?因而这种视频也被形容为potato quality(土豆质量)。
Potato quality is used to describe low quality videos.
“Recorded with a potato” is a phrase commonly found in YouTube comments criticizing the resolution of a video that appears heavily pixelated, blurry or otherwise corrupt. The phrase can be also used as a snowclone in which potato is replaced with another object that is ill-equipped for video recording, such as a toaster, calculator or microwave.
A: Dude did you shot this video with a potato?
B: Yeah I agree this video has the worse kind of potato quality.
下一篇: 表达不满的“老妈表情”