When you get to where you were intending to go, you forget why you were going there in the first place, which is destinesia. Not to be confused with being stoned, destinesia often occurs during working hours, and is the cause of much frustration.
An Internet survey shows that the decline of memory has disturbed many office workers, with 15.96% of them perceiving impaired memory. It is obvious that you are not the only one that has the problem of destinesia.
John ran down the stairs to the storage, but when he got there he couldn't remember what he needed. Consequently, he had to run back upstairs to the kitchen, and look at his prep list again. Damn you, destinesia!
上一篇: 要放假了,你的假期是“待命假日”吗?
下一篇: 不想说话?试试只用表情交流的app