电视里我们常会看见这样一个场景,一群女孩穿着短裙有说有笑地在大街上走过,把路人们都看傻了,其实单个来看,她们的长相并不出众,可是凑在一起就显得青春貌美,这就是“啦啦队效应”——cheerleader effect。
When you see a group of girls or guys and they look hot, but when you see each person individually they are NOT. This is called “cheerleader effect”.
To many, cheerleaders are beautiful and sexy. However, their perceived beauty is in part a visual illusion. Any one cheerleader seems far more attractive when she is with her team than when she is alone.
New research shows that individual faces appear more attractive when presented in a group than when presented alone. Therefore if you want your profile picture on social media sites to be perceived as attractive, opt for a group shot with friends.
A: I wish I looked like those girls.
B: Honey that’s the cheerleader effect, if you see them individually you will realize they are just plain Janes.
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