现在的爱美女士都疯狂地追求瘦身,其实瘦未必等于身材好,有些人瘦成竹竿,但浑身的肉都软趴趴的,还有小肚腩,这就是skinny fat(浑身肥肉的瘦子)。
If someone have skinny look but is all flabby underneath, you can call him a skinny fat. When you touch skinny fat, your touching hand sinks into fat before reaching muscle.
Skinny fats have a high fat percentage and low muscular mass. They are usually those people who have a low caloric diet, that's why they are skinny, but are not involved in any sports activities or trainings and that's why they don’t have any muscle.
People who don't lift get skinny-fat. They're thin but as weak as kittens.
A: That girl is hot!
B: Dude, what are you talking bout, that girl is skinny fat!
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