《家有儿女》中的刘星一家大家都不陌生吧,他们家中的三个孩子,有两个是爸爸从之前的婚姻中带来的,另一个是妈妈从之前的婚姻中带来的。像他们这样的家庭在英语中就叫做jigsaw family(拼图家庭)。
Jigsaw family is a household that includes two or more sets of children from the parents‘ previous relationships, in addition to any children they have together.
Jigsaw family指夫妻双方带着各自之前婚姻中的孩子,以及他们自己的孩子共同组成的新家庭,即“拼图家庭”。
The traditional married couple with 1.6 children was increasingly being replaced by “amalgamated” or “jigsaw” families where one or both of the couple have children from a previous relationship. (Source: Word Spy)
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