伊索寓言中有个故事讲道,有只狐狸原想找些可口的食物,但遍寻不着,只找到一只酸柠檬,这实在是一件不得已而为之的事,但它却说:“这柠檬是甜的,正是我想吃的。”这种只能得到柠檬就说柠檬是甜的自我安慰现象,就叫“甜柠檬心理”,英文表达是sweet lemon psychology。
The term sweet lemon comes from the saying, "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." It means making the best of a bad situation, even if it involves mixing lemons with cuploads of sugar until they actually taste sweet. It is the equal opposite of sour grapes.
In daily life, when people fail to achieve some goal, they may try to sugarcoat the result, in order to feel peaceful. This is called “sweet lemon psychology”.
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