年轻人觉得影视剧里出现亲吻镜头再正常不过,可父母一辈却可能会觉得不好意思,然后转过头去。时代在变迁,不同年代和文化的人对“粗俗”的定义和容忍度也在发生变化,这就产生了vulgarity gap(粗俗代沟)。
Vulgarity gap is a disparity in the tolerance for vulgarity between generations or communities.
粗俗代沟(vulgarity gap)指两代人或两个不同的群体对于粗俗行为的不同包容度。
It has become a cliché to posit that millennials/Generation Y have an ease with crudeness that distinguishes them from their parents’ generation. Millennials are perfectly comfortable with language and humor that makes their parents’ generation blush. Similarly, things that in one language are quite vulgar, are not so gross in another.(Source: Word Spy)
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