我们原来说过“无手机焦虑症”,有些人每5分钟就要看一下手机,不然就会变得无所适从。如何才能把自己从虚幻的电子世界里解放出来呢?或许digital detox是个不错的选择。
Digital detox refers to a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic devices such as smartphones or computers, regarded as an opportunity to reduce stress or focus on social interaction in the physical world. (Source: Oxford Online dictionary)
Digital detox指一个人远离智能手机和电脑等电子设备的一段时间,以借此机会为自己减压或将关注点转移到真实世界的社交活动中,我们称之为“数字戒毒期”。
For example:
You should break free of your devices and go on a digital detox. You need some ‘real’ life.
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