先有智商,后有情商,现在又有了监测你玩乐能力的“玩商”。看来要想在这个社会里立足、成功,哪个“商”都不能弱。今天,咱们就来介绍一下这个“玩商”(leisure quotient)吧。
Leisure quotient(LQ)is an index used to describe the ability to relax and play, which psychologists say is important to contentment and future achievement. A high LQ usually means that the person has a good command on his life, knows how to explore his potential and make his life healthier and happier with a well-balanced life style.
“玩商”(leisure quotient,简称LQ)是描述人们休闲、生活、玩乐能力的指数,心理学家认为“玩商”对于自我满足感和将来的成就都有重要意义。玩商高的人,说明其对自我生活的控制力比较强,懂得如何拓展个人价值,使人生更健康、更快乐、更平衡。
The term comes from IQ for intelligence quotient and the more recent EQ for emotional quotient.
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