We all know that men are attracted to attractive women. But we might have been wrong about what exactly they're responding to. It's not all long legs, shiny hair—according to a study out of Monmouth University, personality can make a big difference in whether someone finds you aesthetically pleasing.
Groups of men and women who were asked to judge strangers' yearbook photos were more likely to rate subjects as physically attractive, a potential friend, and a potential date when the images were paired with positive personality traits.
In other words, personality plays a big role not only in interpersonal chemistry but in actually altering how attractive someone thinks you are.
Here, study author Dr. Gary Lewandowski expounds on dating, attraction, and what this all means in the great Age of Tinder.
Dr. Lewandowski said, "Especially for women, I'd suggest that they emphasize traits that are not suggestive of physical features in any way. Since men tend to focus more on physical features, anything women can do to broaden men's impression formation to other areas would be smart. Also, whereas physical features tend to naturally diminish and become less attractive over time, personality does not, so it is in everyone's best interest to avoid having a potential partner's interest based primarily on appearance."
"When forming an initial impression of looks, it is 100 percent physical. But my study suggests that your assessment of physical attractiveness does change over time and that getting to know someone will move the needle, in good and bad ways."
Personality and your ability to relate to the other person is much more important for long-term relationship quality and stability. Really what we should do is weigh personality much more strongly and appearance much less. The best relationships are between romantic partners who are first and foremost best friends.
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