我们都知道普遍意义上的劳动分为脑力劳动(mental labor)和体力劳动(manual labor)两种。如今,一种新的劳动形式emotional labor(情绪劳动)走入我们的视野。你听说过吗?
Emotional labor is a form of emotional regulation wherein workers are expected to display certain emotions as part of their job, and to promote organizational goals. The intended effects of these emotional displays are on other, targeted people, who can be clients, customers, subordinates or co-workers.
情绪劳动(emotional labor)指要求员工在工作时展现某种特定情绪以达到其所在职位工作目标的劳动形式。这些特定情绪针对的目标人群有:客户、顾客、下属,或者同事。
Example professions that require emotional labor are that of nurses and doctors, waiting staff, actors (e.g. in a movie kiss), as well as airline stewardesses.
Jobs involving emotional labor are defined as those that:
require face-to-face or voice-to-voice contact with the public 需要与公众有面对面接触或者通过声音接触
require the worker to produce an emotional state in another person 需要员工为他人营造某种情绪状态
allow the employer, through training and supervision, to exercise a degree of control over the emotional activities of employees. 允许雇主通过培训和监督对员工的情绪活动有一定掌控能力
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