从A到Z畅谈美国流行文化:grass is greener on the side -查字典英语网
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从A到Z畅谈美国流行文化:grass is greener on the side

发布时间:2016-07-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编


英文当中也有类似的谚语:The grass is greener on the other side. 这句话的完整版本是:The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.(篱笆那边的草总是比较绿,即“邻家芳草绿”。)虽然这个概念早在1 5世纪就由荷兰神学家Desiderius Erasmus提出过,但它直到20世纪50年代才通过Hugh Williams和Margaret Vyner创作的戏剧The Grass Is Greener《绿苑春浓》正式在英语里亮相。该剧后来还被改编成电影,由著名影星Cary Grant领衔主演。借着戏剧和电影的影响力,这句谚语很快就家喻户晓了。

为了方便,人们经常把它缩略为“The grass is greener on the other side.”,甚至更短的、和戏剧/电影名字一致的“The grass is greener.”。举例如下: Clifford: You llaVc no idea how much I envy you. you went to Harvard you have a great job and you'll probably accomplish more by the time you are 35 than Iwill in my entire lile.(你不晓得我有多羡慕你。你是哈佛的高才生,有一份好工作,35岁时达到的成就可能比我一辈子的还要多。)Jake: Are you serios ? Ihave always envied you.People expect so much.out of me. I've never been about to havc a life becausc of schoolwork.ifI get a B, peoplc frcak out like it's an F.Imay havc a good job.but with all the pressure on me ,I'll probably be inisane by the time i am 35.in so many ways.1 wvish I couledjust be a regular guy ,with nomal epectations and a normal lifc.(你是开玩笑的吧?我一直很羡慕你才是真的。

人们总是对我期望太高。一直以来,因为要努力读书,我都没法好好享受生活。如果我得了个B,大家就会有夸张的反应,好像那是F-样。我现在的工作虽然还不错,但有这么大的压力,到35我可能已经疯了。在许多方面,我其实很希望可以做不用背负那么多期望,可以过正常的生活。)Clifford:wo,I never looked at it that way.Iguess its true that the grass is always greener on the other side of fence.(哇,我从来没有这么想过,看来真是这山望着那山高啊)Jake:Exactly. The grass Is grcencr.(就是啊。邻家芳草绿。)

the grass is greener的心态是非常不可取的,而不少流行歌曲也都涉及过这一话题。美国女子组合Dream前几年风靡一时的He LovesUNot就批判了那种因为觉得“别人的总比自己的好”而去抢他人男朋友的女孩子:You're the ki11(l ofgirl who's not used tohearing no .你是那种不习惯被别人拒绝的女孩)All your lovers try to take where you wanna go(你的伴侣总是对你有求必应) always looking for a new ride时时刻刻在寻找新的男朋友)The grass is greener on the other side(别人的就是比自己好)多首作品被S.H.E翻唱的流行组合Sweetbox曾经在Life Is Cool里号召我们换个角度看问题,要意识到自己的生活其实很好,别老去嫉妒别人的“好运”:We'reall so busy tryingto get ahcad (我们总是试图领先)We're never satisfied(我们永远不满足)

The grass is greener on the other side(这山望着那山高)We're so distracted with the jealousy(我们被嫉妒分心)Forget it's our hands Io stop the ag'ony(忘记了停止痛苦的关键在于我们自己)Will youeverbe content你会有满足的一天吗)On your sidec of the fence?(在篱笆的这一边?著名澳大利亚组合Savage Garden也曾经在Affirmation里发表过自己的观点:I believe il Karma, wvhat you give is、what you get returne(I(我相信因果报应,你付出什么就会得到什么)

I belicve vou can't appreciarc real love till you'vc been burned(我相信你不曾被灼伤就无法理解真爱)I belicve thegrassis no,more greener on the other side我相信邻家的芳草不比自家的绿)I believe you don't know、what you've got until say goodbye(我相信你不到说再见那刻不会知道自己曾拥有什么)(我相 还是那句老话,流行文化作品对英语学习真的很有帮助。要你留心,到处都可以找到生动的例句。


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