从A到Z畅谈美国流行文化:Get it over with-查字典英语网
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从A到Z畅谈美国流行文化:Get it over with

发布时间:2016-07-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

以前学语法的时候,接触过这样一条原则:不能用介词作为一句话的收尾。可能是因为这条原则在我脑子里过于根深蒂固,我最初听到别人讲“Get it over with!”的时候,感觉相当别扭,总觉得with后面少了什么东西。

事实上,get it over with是个完整的短语,在日常对话中经常出现。 get it over with可以简单地翻译成“做(某事);完成(某事)”,但它绝对不是do或finish的同义词。关键的区别在于:get it over with -般描述的都是让人比较痛苦(至少是不舒服)的事,而且当事人往往带有明显的不耐烦情绪,想快点把这件麻烦事了结掉。

举例如下Giles: Ha. vou lost! Youwe me one.(哈。你输了,你欠我一件事) Hubert: All right.What do you want me to do?好吧。你要我做什么?) Giles:I(1()|1'I knoW ye When I think of something。19,I'II tell you.(现在还不知道。等我想到了,再告诉你。) Hubert:What don't you think of something nowandget it over with?Idon't like owing you anything。.(不如你现在就想好,快点了结这件事?我可不喜欢欠你什么东西。)

Giles: Too bad。I won't the bet.so Icall the shots here.既然我打赌赢了,当然由我来作决定。) Jennifer:Which dress should pick?(亲爱的,我该选哪条裙子?)Terence: The red once looks great on you.(那条红的看起来不错。)Jennifer:Nah.Idon't like that color.不。我不喜欢那个颜色。)Terence:the white once,then .It's looks clegant.的吧。很优雅。)Jennifer: Nah. It's not hip enough. (Terence: What about the blue one?.It makes me look fat.。(它让我显得很肥。) Terence: Are you kiddling me? You'vc got the body a professional model wouldl kill for! Anything looks good on you. Now. can we just pick one and get over with'l(有没有搞错?专业模特都恨不得拥有你的身材哦!你穿什么都好看。我们赶快选定一件,行不?)

get it over with的用法多次在流行文化作品中得到印证。2006年夏天,节奏蓝调歌手Rihanna红极一时的冠军单曲Unfaithful中就有这样一段:And I know thaihe knows l'm unfaithful(我知道他知道我的不忠行为)And ii kills him inside(他内心无比痛苦)to know that I am happy with some other guy(知道我原来跟另外一个男人相处得那么开心)I can scc him dying(我可以看到他的内心一点点死去) our love. his trust .(我们的受,他的信任……)I might as welltake a gun and put it to his head(我还不如干脆对着他的头开枪)Get it over with结这一切)

i don't wanna do this anvmone(我不想再继续这样下去了)

这个短语还经常跟“性”扯上关系。美国近年来有不少对青少年灌输safe sex(安全性行为)理念德尔电脑和广播节目,当中不时出现的话题就是要谨慎对待自己的第一次,不仅因 为不想被别人嘲笑落伍这样的原因而草率的发生性行为。

在MTV台的Protrct youself节目里,一位记者就明确的说到“Ijust wanted to get it over with and know what it was like”(我就想把事情做个了结,好知道整个过程到底是怎么样的。)另一位被采访者则说:“l've heard people say,‘you might as well get it over with, it isn't very good.'”(我听人说,“你还不如就快点了结你的第一次,说到底也就那么回事。”) 当然,get it over with并不特指“第一次”,只要是在带催促口吻、怂恿双方快点进行“实际行为”的语境中都可以用这句话。

1994年的美国影片RealityBites(《四个毕业生》)里有个典型的例子,Vickie -角在“抗议”男女主人公PDA(请参考all over条目)行为时曾诙谐地说:Would the two of you just do it and get

it over with'? I'm starving!(你们两个就快点做了那事,然后我们可以该干啥干啥,行不?我饿死了!)


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