all over的字面意思是“一切都结束了”,以这样的标题来做本书的开篇似乎很不吉利。好在我不迷信,选题完全跟着实用性走。既然跟all over相关的短语实在是all over the place(别急,下文有介绍),很有必要掌握,那就让我们从all over开始进入《(时尚英语2》的旅程吧。 上面已经提到了all over的字面意思,这也正是它最常见的用法。
比如: After being in a vegetative stace for three years. grandpa passed away this morning. lt's all over now.(处于植物人状态长达三年之久后,爷爷在今天早上离开了人世。一切都结束了。)all over 也可以表示“从头开始,再来一次”等于all over again比如:Just as I was about to finish the all over后面跟一具体地方letter,I accidentally dropped it on the wet floor,Now I have to start all over again.(就在我快写完信的时候,我不小心把它掉在了潮湿的地板上,现在我只好重新写一遍了)all over 后面跟以具体地地方,还可以表示那里“到处都有”前面提到的东西。比如: Just You got blood all over your shirt.What happened? YVlyat happened?(天哪,你的衣服上到处都是血。发生了什么事?)
讲完了all over,不妨来看看all over someone。这个短语相对来说比较难把握一些,因为英语非母语者很容易把它和over someone搞混。后者是“结束感情,不再挂念某人”的意思,一般都是在男女朋友分手了之后才用。前面多个all,并不能理解为 “彻底over someone”。
举个例子:我已经彻底放下Kelly了,正确的说法是:I am completely/100 percent/so over Kelly.错误的说法是:I am all over Kelly. 如果真犯这样的错,那问题就大了,因为all over someone 几乎是over someone的对立面。all over someone最常用的意思是 “跟某人亲密接触、卿卿我我”,比如: Derek was all over Cynthia last night. It was so typical of him. If you didn't know better, you'd probably think they were a couple! (Derek咋天 Cynthia的豆腐。这真是他一贯的风格。如果你不清楚,可能会以为他们是一对呢!),someone is all over someone else恤,可以延伸为someone and someone are all over each other。
八卦杂志最喜欢报道的就是又逮到哪对明星在公开场合卿卿我我了。Tom Cruise和Katie Holmes, Brad Pitt和Angelina' Jolie, Cameron Diaz和Justin Timberlake,Josh Hartnett和Scarlett Johansson, 他们亲热的照片全都上过n本杂志,而且次次都少不了这句:They are all over each other.为此,流行文化还诞生了一个新词:PDA (Public Display of Affection),公共场合的示爱行为。
all over someone还有一个常用的意思是“拍马屁,献殷勤”。比如: She was all overhjm-at the omcc p arty. What a sycoph'ant!(办公室聚会的时候,她对他大献殷勤。好个马屁精!) 最后,我们再来看一下all over the place。它主要有两种意恩。
一种跟上面提到的“all over+具体地方”类似,表示“到处”。区别在于,all over the place没有限制在一个小范围内,是真正意义上的“到处”,而不仅仅是“衣服上到处(都是)”,或者“地上到处(都是)”。比如: Haven't you heard? google bought You Tube The story is all over the place. There's just no escaping.(你还没听说吗?Coogle收购了 YouTube!到处都是这则报道,到哪里都逃不开。)
all over the place的另一种话中的使用频率很高:不一致, I asked all the participants, and their answers were all over the place.(我询问了所有的参与者。得到的答案形形色色,什么都有。) 美国最受欢迎的电视节目“American Idol”
(《美国偶像》)里就经常出现这种用法。喜欢实话实说的评委Simon Cowell碰到五音不全的人,往往会使出他的杀手锏: Absolutely horrible! Your pitch was all over the place.牛You .just can't sing.(实在太糟糕!跑调跑到外太空去了。你根本不会唱歌。)《虱pitch was allover the place表示“音调杂乱无章”,即“跑调”。 怎么样,以all over打头的短语果然是all over the place(两种意思都适用)吧?发现这样的巧合,不正是学英语的乐趣之一吗?
下一篇: 英美文化节日:汤姆索亚日的来历故事