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发布时间:2016-07-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编
1. Exercise when you are tired.
After a long and tiring day of work an offer to exercise might not sound like a good idea, but it should. In fact, it is a physical activity that can provide the missing energy. The research shows that just one 30 minutes long moderate-intensity exercise reduces fatigue, improves mood and keeps away the sad thoughts!
2. Write by hand to activate the activity of the brain.[qh]
The researchers say that although typing with computer succeeds in a systemizing material in a short time, however, is much better to memorize the whole thing by writing it all down with hand. Specialists say that to learn something necessary, we need to absorb it, and some notes made by hand can help to absorb or learn more information. Moreover, when you read a handwritten text, naturally it is easier for your brains to recover information and to remember it.[qh]
研究者称,尽管用电脑打字可以在短时间内形成系统的材料,然而,全部手写对记忆整件事情来说更加有效。专家说,为了学习某些必要的东西,我们需要理解吸收它们,一些手写笔记能够促进理解和学习到更多的知识。此外,当你在阅读一篇手写的文章时,自然来说,大脑更容易回忆并记住其中的内容。3. Improve relationships by spend less time together.
Running from one event to another failed to find a chance to breathe air can damage personal relationships. By taking time for yourself and just being alone for a while, you can have an opportunity to think, and don't act so impulsively. And you get to know yourself better! So immediately,go for a walk, and sit in a cafe to watch people, or perhaps simply sort out the closet.
4. Do not drink diet carbonated beverages, if you want to lose weight.
To get rid of unnecessary pounds it is recommended to give up soda water in general, including dietary. The research showed that overweight and obese adults, who are drinking a diet soda with food, consume more calories than those who drink regular soda. Also, researchers at the University of Texas study showed that a diet soda drinker's waist circumference over a ten-year period increased 70 percent more than those who did not drink any sodas at all.[qh]
5. On a hot day drink hot and not cold beverages.
What cools more during a hot summer morning: cold or hot coffee? Two recent studies show that in fact, it was the hot coffee that did make people feel cooler. In other cultures, such as India, drinking hot drinks during the heat is the norm. When you are drinking something hot, the body will assess the change in temperature and increases perspiration. So we sweat to cool down!


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