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发布时间:2016-07-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

1. st. patrick is the patron saint of ireland, although he was born in britain, around 385ad. his parents calpurnius and conchessa were roman citizens living in either scotland or wales, according to different versions of his story.

1. 虽然是在公元385年前后出生在不列颠岛,但圣帕特里克是爱尔兰的守护神。根据不同版本的历史记载,他的父母卡尔普尔尼乌斯和孔切萨是居住在苏格兰或者威尔士的罗马公民。

2. as a boy of 14 he was captured and taken to ireland where he spent six years in slavery herding sheep. he returned to ireland in his 30s as a missionary among the celtic pagans.

2. 14岁时,圣帕特里克被捕并被带往爱尔兰,在那里他作为奴隶牧羊6年。三十多岁时,圣帕特里克作为凯尔特异教徒传教士回到爱尔兰。

3. legend has it that he used the native shamrock as a symbol of the holy trinity when preaching and brought the latin alphabet to ireland.

3. 传说他在传教时使用当地的三叶草作为神圣的三位一体的象征,并且把拉丁字母表介绍到爱尔兰。

4. miracles attributed to him include the driving of serpents out of ireland. however, evidence suggests post-glacial ireland never had any snakes in the first place.

4. 圣帕特里克成功将大毒蛇赶出爱尔兰的传说增加了他的传奇色彩。然而证据显示爱尔兰在冰河期以后从没有过蛇。

5. wearing green, eating green food and even drinking green beer, is said to commemorate st patrick's use of the shamrock - although blue was the original colour of his vestments.

5. 据说身穿绿色服装,吃绿色食物,甚至喝绿色啤酒是为了纪念圣帕特里克使用三叶草,尽管他的法衣最初是蓝色。


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