买得起车却添不起“料”的有车族越来越多,所以,有些已经买了车的人不用车,宁可把车“捧”起来闲置,这种新型用车人群被称为idle car owner “捧车族”。
Idle car owners are the car owners who rarely get behind the wheel of their vehicles because of rising petrol, insurance and registration costs. Their cars linger in parking lots or on streets the majority of the time, only being used at weekends or during holidays and vacations.
Having a car is convenient for commuting or taking recreational trips. But nowadays, some private car owners are leaving their cars in the garage, driving as infrequently as possible. Surveys show that ten percent of private car owners in Beijing have become "idle car owners."
Many factors, like traffic, economic status, and parking fees, have restricted people's driving. The deterioration of these conditions has resulted in rising driving costs. Improved public transportation is another factor leading people to drive less.
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