after sweeping the award season for best picture titles, 12 years a slave’s win at the 86th academy awards on march 2 was certainly one of the most unsurprising moments of the night.
but there must have been enough reasons why the film captivated the oscar judges and millions of viewers around the world.
based on the 1853 memoir of solomon northup, an educated (black) freeman from new york who endured a nightmare of involuntary servitude after being kidnapped, 12 years a slave is a beautiful film about one of the ugliest and most shameful chapters of american history.
different from movies such as lincoln (2012), the biopic about the man who changed the face of slavery, and django unchained (2012), a revenge fantasy in which the oppressed slave prevails over his oppressors, 12 years a slave tells a story of suffering and survival, in an honest and believable manner and with cold, dark details we rarely see on screen.
the closest comparison may be schindler’s list (1993), with its complete immersion into a historical tragedy, bringing the unspeakable into discussion.
director steve mcqueen’s images have a magic power that doesn’t allow audiences to feel comfortable for even a second. the actors, including chiwetel ejiofor as northup, lupita nyong’o as patsey, and michael fassbender as slave owner edwin epps, help construct the film’s emotional ladders.
at its most profound, 12 years a slave is a captivating study of physical isolation and humanity at its most vulnerable and implacable, as ejiofor masterfully portrays northup’s fight to retain his dignity and identity.
by the time you get to the last scene of the film, when a stunned northup comes home to his wife and now grown-up children after a dozen years of hard labor and captivity, he seems to have forgotten what freedom feels like. it’s probably the unhappiest happy ending i’ve ever seen, because for a moment you weep not just for this one man’s destiny but also for all those men and women who never knew freedom in the first place.
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