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发布时间:2016-06-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

专家们说没有充足的证据能证明饮用咖啡会增加患癌症的风险,从而降低了咖啡致癌的风险级别。过去,有专家曾指出咖啡和膀胱癌之间有所关联,但其实并没有足够的证据来证明咖啡到底是否是“致癌物质”。以下是 Adam Brimelow 的报道。

The decision to reclassify coffee was taken after a review of more than a thousand studies carried out by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

It runs a register of environmental causes of cancer which runs from Group 1, where the evidence is convincing, to Group 4, where there's no risk.

Since 1991, coffee has been in category 2B reflecting a possible link to cancer. Now it's switched to category 3, which means there no conclusive evidence of a cancer risk.

The review concludes very hot beverages probably do cause cancer. Experts have urged people to let their drinks cool down for a few minutes.


reclassify 把……再次分级别

review 审查,研究

register 册子

convincing 有说服力的

reflecting 显示出,反映出

conclusive 确定的,确凿的

beverages 饮料

urged 敦促,利权



1. What did the International Agency for the Research on Cancer look at, that made it decide the risk of getting cancer from drinking coffee, was not as serious?

2. How long has coffee been considered to be a possible cancer risk?

3. Why do experts say we should let our hot drinks cool down a bit before we drink them?

4. Which word is used to mean 'believes to be true based on evidence'?


1. What did the International Agency for the Research on Cancer look at, that made it decide the risk of getting cancer from drinking coffee, was not as serious?

It looked at over 1,000 studies.

2. How long has coffee been considered to be a possible cancer risk?

25 years – since 1991.

3. Why do experts say we should let our hot drinks cool down a bit before we drink them?

Because very hot beverages probably do cause cancer.

4. Which word is used to mean 'believes to be true based on evidence'?



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