In my friends’ eyes I am a lucky dog. Beijing Foreign Studies完形填空答案-查字典英语网
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In my friends’ eyes I am a lucky dog. Beijing Foreign Studies完形填空答案

发布时间:2016-05-25  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  In my friends’ eyes I am a lucky dog. Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) had admitted me 49 days before the “big day”.

  The college entrance exam lost its 16 to me. It became a problem that others would have to deal with. 17 , like all my friends and everyone else around me, I worked hard every 18 of the way in order to achieve my goal.

  The chance to take BFSU’s pre-test was a turning point in high school. It was a dilemma (困难的抉择) at first because BFSU 19 on the humanities (人文科学) and I had never 20 that route. I did not make up my mind 21 my teacher told me that nobody should ever 22 an opportunity. Having 23 with the decision all night, I decided at least to give it a go. The following week, I 24 no effort in getting fully prepared for BFSU’s test. I worked so hard that I often 25 myself studying at my desk at four o’clock in the morning. I 26 began to understand the saying, “No pain, no gain.”

  After I had been 27 , my friend asked me if I 28 not being able to achieve my 29 dream. And yes, I sometimes 30 what would have happened if I had kept on moving. But I have no regrets. As a 19-year-old, I don’t have a clear view of my 31. But after I got to BFSU’s campus and saw devoted professors and students, I realized that this is the place for me to make a(n) 32 in society.

  Recently, I’ve been busy helping my classmates put their school registration (报名表) in 33 . We all used to work so hard together. Without as much pressure from the examination as before, I appreciate every opportunity to do whatever I can for my classmates. I hope they can 34 their precious time to prepare for the war, the university entrance examination. 35 I hope that they can win this battle.

  16. A. importance B. pressure C. advantage D. strength

  17. A. Generally B. However C. Otherwise D. Indeed

  18. A. minute B. moment C. step D. action

  19. A. rests B. depends C. bases D. focuses

  20. A. heard B. met C. seen D. considered

  21. A. unless B. when C. until D. before

  22. A. miss B. risk C. take D. inspire

  23. A. stayed B. struggled C. competed D. companied

  24. A. spared B. took C. missed D. avoided

  25. A. forced B. found C. promoted D. made

  26. A. suddenly B. gradually C. quickly D. naturally

  27. A. hired B. elected C. noticed D. accepted

  28. A. hated B. remembered C. regretted D. minded

  29. A. satisfactory B. unique C. big D. original

  30. A. wonder B. doubt C. question D. ask

  31. A. past B. present C. future D. experience

  32. A. understanding B. chance C. difference D. sense

  33. A. number B. order C. size D. amount

  34. A. get a glimpse of B. make out C. take up D. make use of

  35. A. And B. Instead C. Or D. But

  16-20BBCDD 21-25CABAB 26-30BDCDA 31-35CCBDA



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