Ⅰ. past 是动词pass的过去时和过去分词。在句中作谓语。意为“通过、传递”,时间的“消逝”等。如:
① He passed (by) the bank. 他路经银行。
② She passed him the cake. 她把蛋糕递给他。
③ Two months passed before we had any news of them. 两个月过去了,我们才得到一点他们的消息。
Ⅱ. passer “过路人”;“过客”。
Ⅲ. past 不是动词形式,它除作为pass的过去分词形容词,作表语与定语外,还可作介词、副词及名词。如:
① He has been working hard in the past few weeks. 他在过去的几周里工作得很努力。(形)
② The past is past. 过去的事就让它过去了。(形,名)
③ She walked pasti him hurriedly. 她从他身边匆匆而过。(介
④ The years went past without notice. 岁月不觉流逝。(副词)