Ⅰ. sound “声音”,为最常用词,指可以听到的任何声音,强的,弱的,令人愉快的或不愉快的,有意义的或无意义的。如:
① I was reading last night, when suddenly I heard a sound in the next room. 昨晚我正看书时,突然听到隔壁房间有声音。
② Not a sound was heard. 听不到一点声音。
Ⅱ. noise 常指太响或人们不愿听到的声音,“嘈杂声、喧闹声”。
① I am always disturbed by the noise of the traffic. 我老受到车辆噪声的打扰。
② The boys made too much noise. 孩子们太吵闹了。
Ⅲ. voice 指“说话声”“唱歌声”“嗓音”如:
① That sounds like Mary’s voice. 那声音听起来好象玛丽的声音。
② She has lost her voice.她嗓子哑了。