2016年中考英语词组辨析:be good at/ do well in-查字典英语网
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2016年中考英语词组辨析:be good at/ do well in

发布时间:2016-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Ⅰ. be good at / in 意思接近于 do well in. “在(某方面)出色;擅长……”。be good at / in 强调一种笼统情况,而do well in 可表示一种情况,也可指在具体的一次活动中表现出色。

  be good at 的反义词组为:be poor (weak) at (in). do well in 的反义词组为:do badly in. 如:

  ① Mary is good at / in maths. = Mary does well in maths. 玛丽数学很好(指情况)。= 玛丽数学学得很好。

  ② Tom did well in (不宜用be good at.指具体一次)that English test / sports meeting.汤姆在那次英语考试中(运动会中)考得很好(表现出色)。

  ③ Wu Dong does badly in his lessons. = Wu Dong is weak / poor / at / in his lessons.吴冬功课不好。(指情况)

  ④ Mei Ying did badly in the high jump 梅英在跳高比赛中成绩不好。(具体一次,不宜替换。)

  ⑤ Mei Ying is weak / poor in / at high jump.梅英不善于跳高。(指笼统情况)

  Ⅱ. do well 和do badly可单独使用,表一种情况;而be good / weak / poor 一定要借助于介词in 或at, 强调在某一个方面,才能表达一个完整的意思。如:

  He does well / badly at school. 他在学校里功课很好/很差。


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