2016年中考英语词组辨析:journey/ trip/ voyage/ tour/ travel-查字典英语网
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2016年中考英语词组辨析:journey/ trip/ voyage/ tour/ travel

发布时间:2016-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Ⅰ. journey “旅游” 着重指:从甲地到乙地所走的路程和花费的时间。多指陆路“旅游”用英语可解释为:a trip of some distance usually by land.

  Ⅱ. travel “旅行、游历”多指到世界各地的活动,国与国之间旅行,(没有回到原出发地的含义)表某次具体的旅行时,常用复数。英译为:the activity of moving about the world.

  ① On his doctor’s advice, he went on his travels. 遵照医生的意见,他出发旅行了。

  ② He came home after years of foreign travel.

  Ⅲ. trip 多指带有特殊目的或定期的旅行,为了高兴进行的较短距离的,旅游或远足。

  ① We’ll make a trip on Sunday.

  ② He came back from a trip. 他旅归来。

  Ⅳ. tour “周游、旅游、观光、游览”等,多指不同地点的漫游或短途旅行参观。通常是回到原出发地点时就意味着旅行结束。英译:a journey during which several places of interest are visited; a short trip to or through a place on order to see it. 如:

  ① I’m going to set out on a walking tour. 我即将动身去徒步旅行。

  ② He has gone for a tour in Europe.

  Ⅴ. voyage 多指较长距离的水上航行,但也指空中航行。

  ① He made a voyage from Shanghai to Qingdao. 他从上海航行到青岛。

  ② They made a voyage to France by air.他们乘飞机到法国。


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