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发布时间:2016-02-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Le Peuple Migrateur


  The Travelling Birds

  Winged Migration


  Narrator: The story of bird migration is the story of promise - a promise to return.  



  候鸟迁移过程艰辛万分,既要克服长途飞行的辛劳,亦要克服大自然严峻的挑战。那种面对逆境不屈不挠的精神,甚是值得人们学习,实为现今人生应有的态度。故事重点环绕候鸟南迁北移的旅程,讲述候鸟如何克服自然环境,在大风沙中寻找出正确方向、在冰天雪地中如何保护自己、在汪洋浩瀚海洋中如何猎食如此困窘,候鸟都要逐一克服,逐一面对。这正是戏中想要表达的意思,大天鹅要飞越1200 公里的长途旅程,它那份对生命的坚持,对子女的照顾,一一叫人尊敬。沙丘鹤在漫天风沙中追寻出路,要面对酷热天气的考验,也要抵御大风沙的摧残,全都默默承受,挺着胸与大自然作战到底,目的只有一个,就是要找到出路,活出精采。企鹅在冰天雪地下仍要与海鸦对抗到底,保护企鹅BB 的安全,尽管当中满是失败气馁,但仍坚强支撑下去,面对亲情,自身的安危也显得微不足道。

  Winged Migration , is a 2001 documentary filmdirected by Jacques Cluzaud, Michel Debats and Jacques Perrin, who was also one of the writers and narrators, showcasing the immense journeys routinely made by birds during their migrations.

  The film is dedicated to the French ornithologist Jean Dorst.

  The movie was shot over the course of four years on all seven continents. It was shot using in-flight cameras, most of the footage is aerial, and the viewer appears to be flying alongside birds of successive species, especially Canada geese. They traverse every kind of weather and landscape, covering vast distances in a flight for survival. The filmmakers exposed over 590 miles of film to create an 89-minute piece. In one case, two months of filming in one location was edited down to less than one minute in the final film.

  Much of the aerial footage was taken of tame birds. The filmmakers raised birds of several species, including storks and pelicans, from birth. The newborn birds imprinted on staff members, and were trained to fly along with the film crews. The birds were also exposed to the film equipment over the course of their lives to ensure that the birds would react the way the filmmakers want. Several of these species had never been imprinted before. Film was shot from ultralights, paragliders, and hot air balloons, as well as trucks,motorcycles, motorboats, remote-controlled robots, and a French Navy warship. Its producer says that Winged Migration is neither a documentary nor fiction, but rather a natural tale.

  The film states that no special effects were used in the filming of the birds, although some entirely CGI segments that view Earth from outer space augment the real-life footage.

  The films soundtrack by Bruno Coulais was recorded by several Bulgarian vocal groups in Bulgarian, as well as Nick Cave in English and Robert Wyatt. The vocal effects include sequences in which panting is superimposed on wingbeats to give the effect that the viewer is a bird.



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