话题A)What character is the most important for a leader.
对于类似问题可以先从题目入手,就是要从核心词入手。在这个题目中,我们可以采用就提问的方法进行解答从而找到思路。例如,核心词character 那我们就从哪些性格入手去想问题,如脑子里可以先呈现出一些表达性格的形容词。比如像Hardworking 和 cooperative 等。
有了类似的形容词我们就可以把该问题归结为两点。这样就有了topic sentence : Both characters of hard working and cooperative are the most important for leader.之后,我们就要就下一个关键词leader 进行考虑。这里建议可以考虑一些名人来担当这个角色,或者是你熟知的人。然后再分别把一到两个名人提出来并把相应的性格特点搭配到这一两个名人身上,这样就有了相应的例子支持。至于如何证明这两个人有类似的品质,那就可以自己杜撰了。只要合乎逻辑范围都是可以接受的。所以我们可以得出类似的观点句。
如Chairman Mao was hardworking leader. Our boss is cooperative leader in my company. 再往后就是要具体展开这两个观点句,可以举出些许事例来证明其特点。比如说Chairman Mao always sit up so late to read until the 3 or 4 am, so that he can be knowledgeable and keep charming to his followers. 和 our boss let me to do some tasks with other people for cooperative sprit so that he could rally all of his employees to work together. 类似这种话题描述某种特性是某某职位最重要的等都可以套用类似的思维方式进行模拟创造。这样就可以以不变应万变了。
话题B) Do you agree or disagree that power and money define the success.
对于此类题目涉及到是否同意某一个观点和看法的时候,可以先确定自己的立场是同意还是反对。如果确定好立场就可以继续发展下去了。如果选择不同意,那么就要有自己的评判标准,也就是要推旧立新。比如说:I disagree with it. In my view, only the people who do the contribution to the society can they become success. 有了自己的立场,接下来就可以摆出事实讲道理了。例如可以举一些普通的劳动者,他们虽然没有显赫的权式,和高额的收入,但是他们对社会的贡献却是不可磨灭的比如像教师。例如:For example, Miss Wang who is the math teacher in my high school, even though she does not have a lot of money or power she still be successful in her students minds. Because she doesnt fall in sleep until midnight for examining students works. 所以在托福口语考试中,重要的是要有明确和清晰的思路,并且好要有相应展开思路的手段。
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