本节目精选TOEFL的2700多个核心词汇及3000个衍生词,形近词和同根词。 所收录词汇曾在考试中出现过,同时非常实用,对于英语学习者都是很有益的学习材料~ 背单词是很辛苦的,大家都要拿出蚂蚁搬大山的精神哦~ 注:直接听写单词,听写完一个单词,换行听写下一个 最后一个单词是祖先的意思
amplify amuse amusement analogy analysis analyze anatomy ancestor
上一篇: 【托福词根联想】Word List 2
下一篇: 【托福词根联想】Word List 2
Obese not healthy and turning rubbish into art 肥胖又健康不现实、津巴布韦家庭变废为宝
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体坛英语资讯:Rumors say Aubameyang is off to Paris
Anxiety and nervous tension are a part of living in today’s fast
“I'll catch you another time”真的不是我下次再抓你!
London City first in UK to get remote air traffic control 英国首个远程空中交通管制系统
创意“寿司鞋” 寿司和潮牌鞋的完美结合(组图)
国际英语资讯:Trump administration unveils first budget with 3.6-trillion-dollar spending cut
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马背上的男生 The Man in the Horse
It was the 70th anniversary of both the world’s anti
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When God created the first two people,Adam and his wife Eve,they 语法填空答案
地震袭击 Earthquake Attacked
颜色的惯用表达:green is the new black
It was a short flight from Shanghai to Xi’an. Xi’an is one语法填空答案
迪拜机器人警察上岗 会六种语言
One of the main challenges facing many countries is how阅读理解答案
国际英语资讯:Extra armed police deployed across London following Manchester bomb outrage
国内英语资讯:Political advisors discuss building cultural confidence
国内英语资讯:Xi calls for more replicable reform practices
国际英语资讯:Greece retains optimism over deal on bailout review, debt issue