美国习惯用语-第149讲:everything from soup to nuts/everything but the kitchen sink
今天我们要给大家介绍的两个习惯用语都和吃东西有关。我们要讲的第一个俗语是:everything from soup to nuts 。
Everything是所有东西的意思。Soup是指喝的汤,nuts是指乾果,如花生、核桃等。从字面上来翻译,everything from soup to nuts它的意思就是:从汤到乾果,什么都有。作为俗语,它的意思也就是:什么都有,但并不一定是指吃的东西。那末,soup to nuts是指什么呢? 大约一百年以前,美国人每顿饭吃的东西种类要比现在多的多。那时候,到一家高级饭馆去吃一顿饭就可能有七八道菜。首先是喝汤,在正餐前还要吃一点鲜蚝,然后是鱼、鸡等几种肉做的菜,还有蔬菜,糕饼,最后还有奶酪,水果和一碗乾果。Soup to nuts就是从这儿来的。可是,像这种吃法早就过时了。美国人现在非常注意不要吃太多脂肪和含胆固醇很高的食品。然而,everything from soup to nuts这个俗语至今还很流行,但是它已经不是指食品,而是什么都有的意思。我们来举个例子吧:
例句-1: "You ought to go and look around in that big new department store that just opened at the shopping mall. I\'ve never seen so many different things to buy in all my life -- they sell everything from soup to nuts."
例句-2: "My friend Jean had been posted in a number of countries when she worked as a secretary in overseas embassies. Over the years, she collected so many beautiful things, and her home has practically everything from soup to nuts."
下面我们要给大家介绍的一个常用语虽然不是直接讲食品的,但是和食品却有不可分隔的关系:everything but the kitchen sink。
Kitchen sink就是厨房里的水槽。Everything but the kitchen sink按照每个字来翻译,它的意思就是:除了厨房水槽外的一切。这里指的不是所有的东西,而是指几乎所有的一切。Everything but the kitchen sink这个俗语在第二次世界大战期间,美国空军战士经常用它来形容他们在敌占区上空所遇到的防空炮火。下面就是一个例子:
例句-3: "It was really tough over the target area today. The Germans threw everything but the kitchen sink at us -- rockets, anti-aircraft cannon, machine-gun fire. We were lucky they didn\'t send up their fighter planes, or we would have lost some of our bombers."
二次世界大战已经在四十多年前结束了,可是everything but the kitchen sink这个俗语不但仍然在美国人口语中经常出现,而且已经被应用到各个方面。下面就是一个例子。这是一对夫妇周末出门去旅游,丈夫一面看着妻子把大箱子里的东西拿出来,一面说:
例句-4: "Gee, honey, do you really need all that stuff for a three-day holiday -- it looks like you\'ve brought along everything but the kitchen sink."
我们今天给大家讲了两个和吃东西有关的俗语,但是它们的意思却和吃的东西没有什么关系。我们讲的第一个俗语是:everything from soup to nuts。
Everything from soup to nuts是指各式各样的东西很多。我们今天还给大家介绍了另一个俗语,那就是:everything but the kitchen sink。
Everything but the kitchen sink也是指很多,几乎包括所有的东西。