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发布时间:2016-03-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编




22. This type of MP4 is my favorite, but I can\'t it.

A. spend B. cost C. pay D. afford

23. ---Do you know this dictionary belongs to?

---Let me see. Oh, it\'s .

A. whose, mine B. who, me C. who, mine D. whose, me

24. --- Could you tell me ? --- Certainly. In half an hour.

A. when will the train toChengduleave D. when the train toChengduleft

B. when would the train toChengduleave C. when the train toChengduleaves

25. ---Would you please bring me the paper Chongqing Morning?

--- .

A. That\'s all right. B. I\'m sure.

C. With pleasure. D. It\'s my pleasure.

26. ---Excuse me, is the seat taken?

--- .That man got his book and left a few minutes ago.

A. I\'m afraid so. B. I don\'t think so.

C. I agree. D. I hope not.

27. --- Have all the students known our class will visit the zoo next week?

---Yes, every student about it.

A. has told B. is told C. has been told D. have been told

28. Mary, the oil that I bought last month has . Why not buy some more?

A. worked out B. given out C. sold out D. run out

29. ---After discussing, the students some good ideas to work on the project.

A. put up B. set up C. caught up with D. came up with

30. --- I\'m really nervous before the competition.

--- . Be confident of yourself.


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