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发布时间:2016-03-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编



( )1. Rose came to Beijing in 2002. She ______ here for eight years.

A. was living B. live C. will live D. has lived

( )2. —Do you know ______ the Capital Museum? —Next Friday.

A. when will they visit B. when they will visit

C. when did they visit D. when they visited

( )3. —Long time no see!

—I’ve just retuned I to Ganzhou for a meeting last month.

A. was sent B. am sent C. am sending D. was sending

( )4. Mr. Black is strongly _____ keeping animals in the zoo, because he thinks animals

should also have the right to enjoy freedom.

A. up B. for C. against D down

( )5. —What is our head teacher like, do you know?

—Oh, he is very kind _____ he looks very serious.

A. because B. though C. if D. when

( )6. —It’s sunny today. How about going skiing in Ying Yue Park?

— ______! Let’s ask the twins to go with us.

A. Sounds great B. Best wishes C. Good luckD. That’s OK

( )7. You are in a bad mood all the afternoon. Maybe you need _____ like me to cheer you up.

A. no one B. none C. someone D. everyone

( )8. —______ wonderful dictionary it is! Thank you for buying me such a useful present.

—I’m glad you like it.

A. What a B. What C. How a D. How

( )9. The Gulf of Mexico (墨西哥湾)is being polluted seriously. That has affected _____

several hundred kinds of sea animals there.

A. at least B. at once C. at most D. at times


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