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发布时间:2016-03-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

练习一 一.15 CADDB 610 CACCB 1115 ABACB

二.15 BACDB 610 DCADB

三.15 BCCDB 610 CBCBD

四.A)1. leader 2. impatient 3. suitable 4. worried 5. differentlyB)6. energetic 7. successful 8. laboratory 9. available 10. saving

五.1. different 2. characteristics 3. though 4. way 5. new 6. own 7. walking 8. change 9.agree 10. with

六.1. actor 2. alone 3. took 4. surprised 5.gives


一.15 BCCCD 610 BACCD 1115 CDDBD

二.15 ABCCC 610 BABDA

三.15 DADDB 610 ABBDD

四.A)1.sleepy 2. wisdom 3. satisfied 4. stay 5. warmthB)6. decision 7. moods 8. relaxed 9. tight 10. heat

五.1. wearing 2. creates 3. sadness 4. makes 5. purity 6. warm 7. satisfied 8. climates 9. give 10. rather

六.1. afraid 2. carelessly 3.some/several 4. revising/reviewing 5.attention


一.15 DABDB 610DBCBB 1115 ABACB



四.A)1.noisy 2. valuable 3. replied 4. asleep 5. unhappyB)6. attention 7. doubt 8. stress 9. truth 10. cause

五.1. worried 2. ways 3. call 4. Firstly 5. enough 6. diet 7. matter 8. active 9. share 10. sadness

六.1. scientists 2. England 3. sent 4. preferred 5.minister 6. interested 7. enough 8. took 9. study 10. effect/influence


一.15 AABCB 610 DCDDC 1115 DBDCC

二.15 ABDAB 610 ADBCD

三.15 CDDBD 610 ADCBB

四.A)1.honoured 2. achievements 3. immediately 4. beauty 5. experiencedB)6. popcorn 7. effort 8. effect 9. industry 10. lifetime


2. acting 3.French 4. attracted

5. charm 6. insisted 7. earned

8. appearance 9. angle 10. passed

六.1.was born 2. 40-minute,won 3.Firelight, ideas 4. 1964, failed 5. directed/ made / produced, first

七.One possible version:

My Favourite Film StarMy favourite actress is Zhou Xun. She is well known in China.Zhou Xun was born on October 18, 1976. She was born in Zhejiang, China and started acting at an early age. She is slim and beautiful. She has bring eyes. She likes jogging and watching videos.After acting in the popular TV drama Palace of Desire in 1998, Zhou became a famous actress. Then she began to play lead roles in more and more TV dramas and movies. They include Suzhou River in 2000. Perhaps Love in 2005, and Night Banquet, in 2006. She had to work hard every day. Zhou Xun is considered as a talented actress. I believe her acting skills will become even better in the future.


一.15 ABBAB 610 DACDB 1115 DAADC

二.15 CBCCC 610 DABAD

三.15 DCBAA 610 BABCD

四.A)1.living 2. safety 3. leaving 4. forties 5. death

B)6. against 7. progress 8. engineer 9. cruel 10. several

五.1.murdered 2. doorway 3.victim 4. office 5. took 6. struggle 7. clues 8. murderer 9. blood 10. prove

六.1.true 2. world 3.news 4. support 5. lovely


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