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发布时间:2016-03-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编



第一节 阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)



A man died and was on his way to another world, either Heaven ( 天堂 ) or hell ( 地狱 ) . He saw a very beautiful palace half way and the owner of the palace asked him to stay and live in the palace.

The man said, I have been working hard during my life and now I just want to eat and sleep without any work.

The owner of the palace said, If so, there is nowhere else better than here for you. There is enough delicious food in my palace and you can eat whatever you want without anyone stopping you. Moreover, nothing needs to be done by you. Then, the man stayed in the palace.

At the beginning, the man felt very happy, eating and sleeping, without thinking about other things. But gradually, he felt a bit lonely and bored. So he went to the owner and said, It is too boring to live by just eating and sleeping every day. Now I have no interest in this kind of life any more. Could you help me find a job?

The owner replied, Sorry, there is no job here at all.

After another several months, the man could not stand his present life and went to the owner again and said, I really can not stand this sort of life any more. If you do not offer me a job, I would like to go to hell instead of living here.

The owner of the palace laughed loudly and then said, Do you think it is Heaven here? It is actually Hell!

61. The man couldnt stand the present life in the palace because_________.

A. he must eat delicious food everyday

B. had to help others

C. as time went on ,he got bored

D. the owner of the palace was unfriendly

62. According to the passage, which statements is Right?

A. The beautiful palace the man lived for several months is Heaven.

B. Someone would stop the man ,if he ate more.

C. The man thought he would live in Hell rather than heaven if he couldnt get a job.

D. In fact, in Heaven the man could eat and sleep without any work.

63. Whats the title of the passage?

A. A hard-working man B. Hell and Heaven

C. What you want in Heaven D. Hell is better than Heaven


Though there are so many passages about positive thinking, few people really understand what it is. Being positive doesnt mean ignoring (忽视) what is happening around us. If someone is going through problems or living in a difficult situation, we cannot expect him to ignore his problems and start thinking positively right away.

It is easier to think positively when we are in a comfortable situation, rather than a bad situation. We cannot think positively when we have problems, unless we are trained to. No one can speak a foreign language before studying and practicing for some time. The same thing is true about being positive. However, saying that everything is going to be all right, smiling for no reason, or ignoring problems without trying to solve them, is not being positive. It is daydreaming.

Positive people expect the best and believe that a bad situation will be improved, but they are also practical (明智的) people. They look for opportunities and solutions instead of doing nothing. They can improve a bad situation with a positive attitude. They can not only keep thinking of the problem that they face, but they can also refuse to let the problem affect their mind too much.

Positive thinking is being hopeful, and hope brings light and happiness into our life. One can just live with a bad attitude, or one can try to do ones best in a bad situation. It is a matter of choice.

64. When we are in bad situation, it is ____ for us to think positively at once.

A. harder B. easier C. quicker D. slower

65. Which one of the following is being positive?

A. Ignoring everything that we are facing. B. Doing nothing but thinking.

C. Daydreaming all day. D. Trying to solve problems.

66. Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?

A. Being positive can be trained, like learning a language.

B. Positive people can look for solutions in bad situations.

C. Problems can have a bad influence on positive people.

D. Positive thinking is helpful for everyone.


Under pressure from health and childrens groups, McDonalds is making changes to its famous Happy Meals. The fast food chain (连锁店) will add a serving (一份食物的量) of fruit or vegetable to all of the meals, which are aimed at children, and reduce the amount of French fries.

McDonalds said it first experimented with cutting fries entirely from the Happy Meals, but children and parents disagreed. People come to McDonalds and, first of all, they want the choice and the control to be theirs, but their expectation of a Happy Meal does include fries,said Jan Fields, president of McDonalds in the US. When we did it without fries, there was a huge disappointment.

The new French fries in Happy Meals will contain 1.1 ounces (31 grams) of potatoes, down from 2.4 ounces. Apple slices will often be included as the healthy dish, but it could also be carrots, pineapple slices or oranges, depending on the time of year and the region(区域) in which they are being served.

Although the subject to variation (变化) depends on what is ordered, the new meals will represent, on average, a 20% decrease (减少) in calories (卡路里) , the chain said. Fields said Happy Meal prices will not go up as a result of the changes. But the chain has raised prices this year as a result of increasing costs.

As the worlds largest restaurant chain by sales, McDonalds has been under careful examination for the nutritional (营养的) quality of its food. People also criticized its sales of childrens meals with a toy, connecting it to the nations obesity (肥胖) problem.

67. Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?

A. New Happy Meals contain fewer calories.

B. New Happy Meal prices are not the same as the old ones.

C. People do not want to eat French fries in Happy Meals.

D. Old Happy Meals contain 2.4 ounces of potatoes in the form of French fries.

68. According to the passage ,_____________wont be served in the new Happy Meals.

A. apple slices B. oranges C. bananas D. carrots

69. Why did people criticize the sale of childrens meals with a toy at McDonalds?

A. The toy is of poor quality.

B. Children prefer its toys to its meals.

C. It makes the childrens meals more expensive.

D. It will cause the obesity problem.

70. What is the best title for the passage?

A. McDonalds to Raise Price Again

B. McDonalds in Careful Examination

C. McDonalds Criticized by Children and Parents

D. McDonalds to Make Happy Meals Healthier

第二部分 (非选择题共40分)

第三节 任务型阅读(共7小题;每小题2分,满分14分)



There is good news for people who love Angry Birds, because there will be a series of Angry Birds-themed parks around the world.

The first two parks will open in Finland this year, while several others are expected to open in the UK. ①However, the undertaker hasnt decided the places and time of the British parks yet.

We want to bring together the digital (数码的) world and the physical world in a way thats never been seen befor e. ②Angry Birds is popular with people of all ages. So the parks will be designed to be interesting places for everyone around the world, chief marketing officer, Peter Vesterbacka, of Angry Birds Company says.

We are now working on creating a cartoon series of the games. They will only be between two and three minutes in length. But we are making an effort to get them to go out on television and online, he says.

The Angry birds-themed park includes swings(秋千), sandpit(采沙坑) ,slides. Familiar characters and colors from the game are used in the park equipment. There is also an Angry Birds game that can be played outdoors in the park.

71. 根据①处完成下面的句子,保持意思不变。(每空一词)。

But the places and the time of British parks _______ _______ decided yet by the undertaker.

72. 将②处翻译成汉语


73. 根据短文内容,完成下面的句子。(每空一词)

People who like Angry Birds can have fun _________ this game in the __________world instead of on television and online.


A Bite of China has become a hot topic of discussion on the Internet in China since its first shown on China Central Television (CCTV). This TV program is a documentary series about traditional Chinese food.

According to World Journal, it is a great attraction for more than one hundred million Chinese audience (观众). Most of them dont see this program as an ordinary food show, because it shows them the value and quality of Chinese food, as well as the changes in society today. The audience are also given the chance to see how hard the cooks and farmers h ave to work to produce such wonderful Chinese food.

A Bite of China makes Chinese people think back to their cooking traditions, most of which have been forgotten in todays busy life. Chen Xiaoqing, the lead director of the series, says that the program is not only about eating, but also about traditional habits and historical heritage(遗产) Chens friend, Liu Wen, says, We also wanted to show international audience what modern China is like.


An introduction to A Bite of China

What it is74. ____________________________

How its popularIt 75.___________________ lots of Chinese audience.

What it showsIt not only shows traditional Chinese food, but also the

foods value, quality and 76. __________________.

What it reminds Chinese people ofIt reminds them of 77. ______________.


第一节 完成句子(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分)


78. Leo likes English, but sometimes he cant get the___________(发音) right.

79. Have you ever read a book ___________(写) by Mo Yan?

80. As we know, its ____________ (方便的) to advertise on the Internet.

81. He was happy to hear that he succeeded in ___________ (通过) the exam.

82. Unless we deal with our problems, we can ___________ (容易地) become unhappy.

83. My favorite singer Taylor Swift won an award of___________(第三十九) Annual American

Music Awards.

第二节 补全对话(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


( Reporter A CeliaB )

A: Congratulations ! Your speech for the graduation ceremony(毕业典礼)is wonderful.

B: Thanks a lot.

A: Celia, you are one of the best students. The time has come for you to say goodbye to your

classmates and teachers.(84)________________________________________

B: Sure, go ahead.


B: I really feel excited but a little sad now. How the 3 years flies!


B: Next we will study harder for the final test, wear the same T-shirt to take photos together and talk about our future before leaving school.


B: No, I didnt. Our head teacher and some monitors designed it together. And each students name is on it!

A: Wow, that must be original. By the way,(88)____________________________________

B: Im going to Hainan for vacation. Id just like to relax on a beach .

A: That sounds great. I hope you will succeed and have a good time in Hainan.

B: Thanks a lot.

A: Its my pleasure.

第三节 书面表达(1题,满分10分)


对自己满意的方面努力学习,养成了良 好的学习习惯






1. 文章应包含所给的提示要点,但不必逐词翻译,可适当扩充;

2. 词数不得少于80词,信的开头部分已给出,不计入总词数;

3. 语句通顺,行文流畅,字迹工整,卷面整洁。

参考词汇:社会公益活动social public activity;养成form

Dear friends,

How time flies and Ill graduate from the school soon._______________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Yours ,




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